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tonight eat CHICKEN Chop for dinner...




actually tapow to office because svp lady boss asked me to stay behind to help her finish some work she needs to urgently collate and present to executive team... 加班,加班 .....

all these assholes from other debts behjidong, 6pm then submit the data and info to her...now we got to digest and figure out how to creatively come out with themes...

jiak chicken chop first lor...tonight sure work till late...clothes also smell smell already...


Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting chicken threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!


hanor, this fucking piece of cheesepie will come with an up-sized mcfurry :whistling:
Tell that to your Cantonese chicken mother that sell cb have sex with boss to climb up ladder. Now we all know social media is no different from old media full of evil criminal dogs like you that twist facts of I shouted at McCully for endorsing kt latha sexual harassment of me into I have sex with McCully. That’s the way you Cantonese dog prostitute descendant win in life by play dirty tricks and suck boss cock and trample your opponent with evil filthy lies Pui!


finally can go home. she said she will sent me home in her bmw...yeah...no need to take mrt. waiting for her to come out of toilet and can go home liao! finally! knn, just realized almost 10pm liao! no OT pay! sianzzz :frown:


finally can go home. she said she will sent me home in her bmw...yeah...no need to take mrt. waiting for her to come out of toilet and can go home liao! finally! knn, just realized almost 10pm liao! no OT pay! sianzzz :frown:
Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting and upping chicken threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!