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Toni Braxton's sister dies at age 50 following cancer battle



Singer, actor and reality TV personality Traci Braxton has died at age 50.

According to her family, Braxton had been battling cancer in the esophagus.

“We have come to a time where we must inform the public that after a year of privately undergoing a series of treatment for Esophageal cancer our beloved Traci Braxton has gone on to glory,” her husband Kevin Surratt said in a statement to NBC News.

Braxton's sisters, mother and friends were by her side when she passed, her publicist Tomasina Perkins-Washington told NBC News.

She also spent her last year in hospice, Perkins-Washington said.

"When I heard the news about my mother being sick first thing she said was I’m going to fight and beat this," her son, Kevin Surratt Jr., said in an Instagram post Saturday. "She fought to the end and today she’s at peace."

More at https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/traci-braxton-dies-age-50-cancer-battle-rcna19486