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Tokyo surrendered to Beijing, Abe Shinzo invited PLA warship to visit Japan. Because Dotard is unreliable and useless!

war is best form of peace

Dotard is a traitor and crazy moron, so all the USA's allies are forced to switch side in order to preserve own survival. There is no choice left for them.


日本计划与中国恢复军舰互访 邀中国军舰参加阅舰式

2018年10月22日 09:48 澎湃新闻





Japan plans to exchange military ships with China to invite Chinese warships to participate in warship-style
October 22, 2018 09:48 澎湃News

Shinzo Abe

As part of the Sino-Japanese defense exchanges, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to discuss with China on the 25th to resume the exchange of visits between the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Chinese Navy.

According to the exclusive report of the Japanese Kyodo News on the 22nd, the current plan has entered the final coordination stage. The report quoted several Japanese government officials as saying that the move aimed to prevent accidental conflicts by seeking communication. It is reported that the last exchange of ships between China and Japan was in December 2011.

In addition, Kyodo News quoted Japanese government sources as saying that there are proposals to invite Chinese naval vessels to participate in the plan of the sea-self-contained ship scheduled to be held around October next year. On the 19th, Japan’s Defense Ministry Yan Yiyi, in a meeting with Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe, stressed that “from the perspective of mutual understanding and mutual trust between the two countries, defense exchanges are very important” and called for the defense of mutual visits.

Earlier, the Japanese media also revealed that during his visit to China in late October, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will seek to sign a marine rescue agreement with China to further promote the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations. The agreement is the Maritime Search and Rescue and Rescue Agreement (SAR) and is scheduled to be implemented during the year.

On June 8 this year, the Chinese and Japanese governments officially launched the “air and sea liaison mechanism” for mutual notification. The two sides will start from the direct wireless communication between ships and aircraft at sea and in the air, and gradually realize the hotline and other defense departments. Direct dialogue to circumvent possible incidents and disputes that may occur between the Self-Defense Forces and the Chinese military.

On October 12, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Hao said that Abe’s visit to China was the official visit of the Japanese Prime Minister to Japan after a lapse of seven years, at the important end of the 40th anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship. During the visit, Chinese leaders will hold talks with Prime Minister Abe and exchange views on improving Sino-Japanese relations and international and regional issues of common concern. The two sides will also hold a reception to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the conclusion of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship and the first Sino-Japanese third-party market cooperation official forum.

syed putra

Peace-peace everywhere. Between north and south korea. Japan and china. Time for them to create a economic zone similar to EU.

war is best form of peace

Peace-peace everywhere. Between north and south korea. Japan and china. Time for them to create a economic zone similar to EU.

Korea, Japan and China should be united to fight against Trump's America.

There is a good TERM called OCCUPIED TERRITORY 占领区. The Jews bastards occupied huge areas e.g. Sinai from Egypt, Palestan, Lebanon, Jordan (Golan Heights) they called these Security Buffer Zones.

If Xijinping woke up to the original Chinese ancestor's spirits like 秦始皇, he should eliminate all the G7 like 秦灭六国, 独得天下!

Japan Korea etc can be cannibalized as OCCUPIED TERRITORIES. They remain permanantly as WAR ZONE TECHNICALLY, as no cease fire order / agreed, no surrender signed nor accepted. Only Martial Law of PLA applies, no civilian laws what so ever exist. No constitution of any country nor international law will be upheld by the occupying forces. Can have carnage any time.

Putin ANNEXED CRIMEA, than that gave the people there security, and war is considered over, Russian civilian law is enforced, and the lawful citizens there can even go to poll to vote for or against Putin. There is no rule that you must annex anywhere you invade / occupied. Putin did not even invaded the Crimea using Russian Federation Army Flag, only rebel militants and private mercenaries were invading Crimea as far as Putin declared.

Don't be too fucking kind and civilized to pamper especially peasants.

Stupid USA invade Iraq & Afghanistan, and try to establish puppet civilian government. Ended up most of the areas kept fallen to Al Qaeda Taliban and ISIS. Only until Putin sent his tanks planes and missiles to Syria, Yankee Ass then got saved by Russian War Machines. Iraq & Afghanistan became permanent pain in the ass and bleeding hemorrhoid in the ass of White House regardless of whoever took over presidency.

For reality of this era, use only false flag, and proxy war, invade and carnage everywhere, leave no peasants alive, plunder and graft all remaining resources. Whack away anyone who want to complain against your wars. Abolish Geneva Convention before you start business.


Alfrescian (Inf)
abe is cunning. draw in a toothless tiger and see if it can still can get an erection. if it can't even bang a tigress can call the bluff on toothless prc.

war is best form of peace


Japs is not just alike sushi which one side is rice.


It is 肉夹馍 a kind of Chinese sandwich. Where center is meat to be eaten and both sides are bread.

Japs are sandwich between Putin & Xi, too close and no way to run, none what so ever! Dead meat!

USA is not able to cover Japs ass, even if whole of 350million American populations are willing to all die for Japs, they will not be saved from Russians & Chinese. No Chance! Dotard is the BEST! Dotard betray and sell all the EX-ALLIES of USA, after ripping them off to buy Expensive and Useless Junk American weapons.

They are betrayed and backstabbed - EU NATO Japs and Pee Sai, all will be left to be cannibalized by Russian / Chinese / Arabs / ISIS etc.

syed putra

Japs will eventually build maybe 8 helicopter carriers. They cannot build aircraft carriers due to their anti war constitution. Nor can they manufacture arms that can attack other nations.
These helicopter carriers they are building can easily be reconfigured to load F35's. Just in case china need to be taught a lesson.

war is best form of peace

Japs will eventually build maybe 8 helicopter carriers. They cannot build aircraft carriers due to their anti war constitution. Nor can they manufacture arms that can attack other nations.
These helicopter carriers they are building can easily be reconfigured to load F35's. Just in case china need to be taught a lesson.

Nothing can be build to save Japs from China & Russia. Build ANYTHING WON'T Change their fate. Completely insignificant.


Alfrescian (Inf)
These are disturbing images of squalid conditions. Please show some skyscrapers, dams and other engineering marvels of India; including their ISRO rockets and Agni missiles. Don't play play with India who aspires to be a super power like the USA! :biggrin: