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TOK ZHI XIANG jailed for filming neighbours showering, victims include 8-year-old girl


Man jailed for filming neighbours showering, victims include 8-year-old girl

Davina Tham
16 Jun 2022 01:53PM (Updated: 16 Jun 2022 01:53PM)

SINGAPORE: A man was jailed for 16 weeks on Thursday (Jun 16) for filming three neighbours, including an eight-year-old girl, showering. He did this from the corridor of their condominium.

Tok Zhi Xiang, 22, pleaded guilty to two charges of voyeurism. Three other charges were considered for sentencing.

The identities of the three victims, aged eight, 26 and 43, are protected by gag order.

The court heard that Toh was on his way home at night on Mar 7 last year when he decided to take a walk around the condominium before returning home.

He noticed light coming from the 26-year-old victim's toilet window and heard the sound of water flowing.

He then went to the common corridor outside the toilet window with the intention of recording a video of her showering.

At the window, Toh held up his mobile phone and aimed it inside the toilet for a few seconds on recording mode.

The victim was showering in the toilet at the time. Toh checked the video and saw that it had captured her naked. He then continued recording a video of her.

While showering, the victim suddenly noticed a phone at the window. She screamed and told her father and brother.

Toh stopped filming when he heard the victim shout and immediately deleted the video from his phone.

He was approached by the victim's father and brother, but claimed to have nothing to do with the incident and lied that he had seen two people walking away quickly.
The men called the police. When they arrived, Toh admitted that he was the person who had filmed the victim showering.

Toh's phone was seized, and police found 14 obscene videos.

Forensic examination of the phone revealed that he had recorded the three victims naked in their toilets on at least three other occasions.

Four days prior to being caught, Toh had recorded the 26-year-old victim, also by standing at the common corridor and filming through the toilet window.

He recorded nine such videos of her over a period of two minutes.

On Feb 9, 2021, while positioned in the common corridor, he also recorded two videos of the eight-year-old victim showering in her home.

The penalty for voyeurism is jail for up to two years, a fine, caning or any combination of these punishments.




I am going to. You son of slut don’t twist to mental issue when I am forced to deal with vicious dogs that even stalked me to bathroom and throw heavy thing after I woke up and knocked them just now.

Tsk tsk tsk harasser that stalked me to the bathroom and made knocks when you are in the bathroom not covered by the law of protection from harassment act.
Here are some of gansiokbin kinky bathroom storlee