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Today 26Mar2020. Guess how many new Kungflu cases in Singapore today?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The numbers are low in Singapore because the PAP is doing an excellent job in contact tracing and enforcement of isolation and quarantine rules.

This is why I continuously stressed to all concerned that the PAP really is the best!


The numbers are low in Singapore because the PAP is doing an excellent job in contact tracing and enforcement of isolation and quarantine rules.

This is why I continuously stressed to all concerned that the PAP really is the best!


Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Fucking pap is under reporting the numbers.
Currently those on SHN even if they develop symptoms they are not tested. Only when the symptoms are deemed too severe then only will they be tested and admitted to hospital. The pap are hoping the symptoms will go away within the 14 days SHN period thus not adding to the infected numbers.
And currently the NCID is already full and new cases are being diverted to other hospitals for quarrantine/isolation.


Super Moderator
Staff member
52 nia.

Very low.

You guys are worrying for nothing. Keep the schools open. I don know why they must close all the sparkletots child cares when only a few kena.



Super Moderator
Staff member

today 14 unlinked cases ... these are the danger ones

All detected and isolated.

Singapore has some kind of satellite can do "real time contact tracing" that's what they call it.

Basically they can see the transmission of virus. They have tagged the covid19 virus. They can see where it jumps from one person to another. Once it jumps they send the email to that person to SHN

Very solid one. Machiam like those CIA movies.
