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The court has the power to impose the rattan on criminals but alas, some judges do not have the balls to really hit the criminals hard with the rattan.

The guy robbed the taxi driver and got one stroke of the cane. What is one stroke? If he got thick hide, it would just be a scratch on his butt. The mata mata officer made the tiongbu performed oral sex on him in the police station, he got one stroke. What is one stroke to a mata mata for abusing his authority? He would be laughing his ass off at the paps.

The paps should amend the law to make it mandatory for caning to be at least three strokes. One stroke is a joke. If paps want to cane criminals, make it a punishment to deter crime, and not to waste time to show they are truly serious in suppressing crime in SG.

A man ordered a taxi driver to hand over all of his money after threatening the elderly man with a weapon - only to make off with just $36 from the cabby. Li Han Cai was initially accused of robbery and could have been sentenced to up to 14 years' jail with mandatory caning of at least 12 strokes if convicted of the offence. On Monday (Jan 6), he pleaded guilty to one count of the less serious charge of extortion. The 37-year-old Singaporean was sentenced to two years and three months' jail with one stroke of the cane.


Alfrescian (Inf)
to sextisfy the sadistic sanctuary that sg truly is. all sinkies should be given the choice for this entertainment and enjoyment. must pay $69 per shot. for some can cum when whacked.