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To all the unvaxxed in sg, how do you perceive and view the vaxxed.


Iris Koh will heal the divide and no judgement. Very kind soul and share love.

What about you?

To me, the first thing that come to me is, they are stupid and ball-less. Stupid as not in IQ but consciousness. Easily brainwashed by the media and govt. Ball-less is because they give in to fear easily and lose their self-respect and personal sovereignty.

and also this

They have too much to lose not to follow and give up their personal sovereignty for it. They do not believe they have personal power to have a life without following the narrative. too brainwashed.

Screenshot 2024-10-13 115404.png


I even got encounter pple during pre-vaccine days saying that it is ok to take the vax as if anything happen, you get paid $250,000.

I was shocked that it actually came out from the person's mouth. If you are fucking injured or dead, how do you use the 250k , provided proven that it is really caused by the vax. Use 250k to travel, when you are injured? Your health got a price? and the price is set by the govt. You allowed your health to be priced by the govt??

Of course i do not associate with the person anymore. I dun hang out with stupid pple.
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TS, you live your life for yourself but your excessive promoting of Iris Koh doesn’t demonstrate your intelligence

You came to this world alone and will leave the world alone too.