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Tiongkok scientist use D-wave Quantum Computer to break Cypto currency encryption



Chinese scientists hack encryption on quantum computer: paper​

Breakthrough poses a ‘real and substantial threat’ to password-protection mechanism employed across critical sectors, team says​

Reading Time:2 minutes

Chinese scientists have mounted what they say is the world’s first effective attack on a widely used encryption method using a quantum computer.

The breakthrough poses a “real and substantial threat” to the long-standing password-protection mechanism employed across critical sectors, including banking and the military, according to the researchers.

Despite the slow progress in general-purpose quantum computing, which currently poses no threat to modern cryptography, scientists have been exploring various attack approaches on specialised quantum computers.


But if they had, it would be “huge,” he said.

Quantum computing, (QC), which uses atomic “spin” instead of an electrical charge to represent its binary 1’s and 0’s, is evolving at an exponential rate, many believe. But full purpose QC devices have yet to emerge at scale.

The D-Wave machines used in Shanghai, sometimes called quantum annealers, are really proto-quantum computers, or forerunners, capable of conducting specialized tasks only.

D-Wave 2X 1000 Qubit quantum annealing processor chip mounted and wire-bonded in its sample holder. Source: Mwjohnson0

However, if and when universal quantum computers do emerge, they could threaten the elliptic curve cryptographic structure which has served Bitcoin and other cryptos very well until now, some worry.

It could be only a matter of time before quantum computers will be able to identify the enormous prime numbers that are key constituents of a BTC private key — assuming no countermeasures are developed.