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Tiongkok CNY internationalization is slower than many expectations

Byebye Penis

recently, gold price is firm and higher while all other precious metals crashed.

there is a saying that it is because countries that china forces to trade with yuan, eg Russia, Saudi, are offloading the yuan to buy gold in shanghai gold exchange.


Alfrescian (Inf)
When LKY's Jewish buddy Kissinger kicks the bucket, that's when you know that China/CCP/PRC is kaput. Wait for it. :wink:



CNY still having healthy trade surplus with US and possibly EU and most other trading nations.
Judging by the way China uses their money , I think mot much is left.

If they stop trying to be No 1 ,I think they will have more. They try to be normal. Doing normal trade, continue to be the manufacturing centre, try to up the salary of their own people and become a consumption economy.

Then they have the power and might to control the world. But Xi try to topple US and USD , but ball shrink to even float CNY. We know china is a paper tiger .


recently, gold price is firm and higher while all other precious metals crashed.

there is a saying that it is because countries that china forces to trade with yuan, eg Russia, Saudi, are offloading the yuan to buy gold in shanghai gold exchange.
They need it for BrIC Currency preparation...need to rival US Fed 8000ton gole reserve


That is why China is unable to displace USD as a reserve currency.

US has been running trade deficit with other countries global trade, so that OTher countries cam earn extra USD to perform global trade as USD is accountable for 80-90% trading. This mean everybody only do business with USD, including Iran , Russia, China and Afica.

The details is found towards the end of the video
CNY still having healthy trade surplus with US and possibly EU and most other trading nations.