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Tiong-cock funeral parlor people-mountain-people -sea, machiam like New Year celebration!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Steel mill applying to convert to crematorium.
但在猪国, 死人的钱更好赚!



Fuck up Xi had turn China from a heaven to a hell hole. He just don't have the wisdom to handle problem.

I hope China can break up to many pieces.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fuck up Xi had turn China from a heaven to a hell hole. He just don't have the wisdom to handle problem.

I hope China can break up to many pieces.

China (PRC) has never been a heaven, unless you're the spawn of a top CCP official or even some of their illegitimate children.

Your false belief comes from the elaborate CCP propaganda, enhanced by the money swindled in the post-WTO years. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Go fuck yrslf with vallium broomstick.... fake news...
Hey tiong dog, the only fake thing is your mother's chow cheebye. You came out from her asshole, that's why you're full of tiong shit!

Go fuck your mother, you fucking commie dog. Hope your whole fucking family and you die from the Wuhan virus!

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