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Time for Xijinping to 100% BAN TRADE W USA + ULTRA HEAVY TARIFF ALL NATIONS who Trade w Dotard-land!




HomeBusiness News

Trump to impose additional 10% tariff on remaining $300 bln of Chinese imports to US from Sept 1
Published time: 1 Aug, 2019 17:30Edited time: 1 Aug, 2019 18:09

Boxes of goods labeled 'Made in China' sit in a US warehouse (file photo) © REUTERS/Jane Ross
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US President Donald Trump said that he will impose additional 10 percent tariff on the remaining $300 billion of Chinese imports starting September 1, as trade war between Washington and Beijing rages on.
Trump announced the new tariff on Twitter, calling it “small” and expressing hope that “the future between our two countries [US and China] will be a very bright one.”
...We look forward to continuing our positive dialogue with China on a comprehensive Trade Deal, and feel that the future between our two countries will be a very bright one!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 1, 2019
The US president said that the move was necessary because Beijing decided to renegotiate the trade deal already struck with Washington three months ago, failed to make good on its promise to buy “large quantities”of American agricultural products, and continues to send the dangerous opioid fentanyl to the US, so “many Americans continue to die.”
The new tariff is on top of the $250 billion in Chinese imports already taxed at 25 percent, Trump clarified.
Stock markets were alarmed at the announcement, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropping 130 points within minutes, wiping out all of the day's gains and venturing into negative territory.

On Wednesday, Trump warned China that it will get “a much tougher” trade deal if it keeps stalling the talks until the 2020 presidential election in the US.
He also blasted Beijing for not buying the US agricultural exports that it promised to purchase. China rejected the claims, with the state-owned Xinhua news agency reporting that millions of tons of US soybeans have been delivered to China since July 19, with local businessmen also looking to purchase cotton, pork and sorghum.
ALSO ON RT.COMBeijing insists all US tariffs should be removed for a trade deal to happen
The trade war between the world’s two largest economies broke out last year, when Trump slapped 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese products. Beijing retaliated in kind, with both sides exchanging several rounds of tit-for-tat levies.
In June, the US raised tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods to 25 percent, with China retaliating by targeting 5,000 US-made products worth $60 billion.
Washington and Beijing agreed to put tariff hikes on hold after Trump’s talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in June, but that 'truce' appears to have now come to an end.
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Dotard already PISSED OFF GLOBALLY and TRADE WARS WITH EVERYONE. No more allies and friends.

All countries side w China except only Pee Sai & Jews-land.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Dotard prides himself in being the tariffs man. But for how long? Enemies all over the world waiting to see him eat humble pie. Forcing Communist China's hand while negotiating at the same time is not going to work anytime soon.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh you silly pro-Chicom shills.

Trump's retaliation has just begun.

China will be in a world of pain... and it won't be just economic pain. :cool:

The following are the two most fair minded Tiong vloggers opining on this matter.
They know what they're talking about.



See. Told you this mf blond head is untrustworthy. Still used his uncertainity style, flip flop, to cut lj deal.

Lets get his daughter products 50% tariff tax see how he kpkb...

Or all manufacturers made her products decide not to supply her goods.... knnbccb...


Nah :FU::FU::FU::FU::FU:

Oh you silly pro-Chicom shills.

Trump's retaliation has just begun.

China will be in a world of pain... and it won't be just economic pain. :cool:

The following are the two most fair minded Tiong vloggers opining on this matter.
They know what they're talking about.



Oh you silly pro-Chicom shills.

Trump's retaliation has just begun.

China will be in a world of pain... and it won't be just economic pain. :cool:

The following are the two most fair minded Tiong vloggers opining on this matter.
They know what they're talking about.



Today's China's world's factory indispensably so Xijinping can kill and blackmail anyone. USA is nothing but a bankrupted beggar.

China must NEVER BE CIVILIZED AGAIN FROM NOW ON! Just KILL! 杀! 杀! 杀! 格杀勿论! 杀戮天下!

中方不会接受恐吓讹诈 极限施压无效


2019-08-02 16:58:52 来源: 新华网





2019-08-02 22:49:40 来源: 新华网



新华社北京8月2日电 题:“极限施压”的老把戏对中国无效


Ministry of Foreign Affairs: If the US imposes tariffs, China will have to take necessary countermeasures, and all consequences will be borne by the US.
2019-08-02 16:58:52 Source: Xinhuanet

Pay attention to Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 2 (Reporter Ma Zhuoyan) said that the US side will impose a 10% tariff on 300 billion US dollars of Chinese exports to the United States. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying said on the 2nd that if the US imposes tariffs, it will be put into practice. In implementation, China will have to take necessary counter-measures and resolutely defend the core interests of the country and the fundamental interests of the people. All the consequences will be borne by the US.

Hua Chunying said at a regular press conference on the same day that the US said that it will impose a 10% tariff on the US$300 billion Chinese exports to the US on September 1. This move is a serious violation of the consensus of the first US dollar meeting in Osaka and deviates from the correct track. Not helpful to solve the problem. The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied with this and firmly opposes it.

Hua Chunying said that the US side's escalation of trade frictions and tariffs are inconsistent with the interests of the Chinese and American peoples and are not in line with world interests and will have a declining impact on the world economy. China has always believed that there is no winner in the trade war. We don't want to fight, but we are not afraid to fight. China will not accept any extreme pressure and intimidation and deceit, and we will not give in on one big principle.

"We hope that the US will recognize the situation, abandon its illusions, correct its mistakes, and return to the correct track of solving problems through consultations based on equality and mutual respect," she said.


Xinhua International Commentary: The old trick of "extreme pressure" is ineffective for China
2019-08-02 22:49:40 Source: Xinhuanet

Pay attention to Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 2nd: The old trick of "extreme pressure" is invalid for China

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Liming

The 12th round of China-US high-level economic and trade consultations ended in Shanghai. The two sides conducted frank, efficient and constructive in-depth exchanges on major issues of common interest in the economic and trade field, and agreed to hold the next round of consultations in the United States in September. However, in a blink of an eye, the United States said that it will impose a 10% tariff on another US$300 billion worth of Chinese exports to the United States from September 1. The United States exerts the "extreme pressure", so that the world once again sees its words without any trust and volatility.

There is an old saying in China that "people do not believe or not," and modern Western society emphasizes the spirit of contract. People still remember that one of the important consensus reached at the first meeting of the US-China dollar more than a month ago was that the US no longer imposed new tariffs on Chinese products. Today, the US blatantly violates its promise, and its bottom line of integrity is once again self-piercing in the world's gaze.

In the eyes of some people in the United States, the so-called state credit is of no importance. Looking back on the Sino-US economic and trade consultations over the past year or so, it is not difficult to see that some people in the United States have repeatedly made a set of "extreme pressure", demanding unreasonable high asking prices, and even demanding damage to China's sovereignty and dignity. In order to obtain "excessive interest" to achieve "winners take all". This is the root cause of the delay in bridging the differences between China and the United States.

Old tricks such as "extreme pressure" can't work here in China. At present, the Chinese economy has maintained a steady and positive trend. The figures released recently show that China's GDP in the first half of this year increased by 6.3% year-on-year, and continued to maintain medium- and high-speed development. The trade war provoked by the United States unilaterally cannot interfere with the pace of the Chinese economy.

From an economic point of view, the US itself is "paying the bill" for the increase of tariffs. American farmers, consumers and related companies are paying real money for this. Many American farmers worry that if the trade war continues, they will forever lose this important market of China. International Monetary Fund researchers analyzed data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics that the cost of rising tariffs was almost entirely borne by the US. Reuters also cited data indicating that US importers and consumers are paying tariffs instead of China. For this reason, the US said that the news of the increase of tariffs was announced, and it was criticized by the American business community as a tax increase for US companies and consumers. The three major stock indexes in the New York stock market also fell.

To talk, to show good faith and sincerity; to fight, we will accompany the end. The US must realize that the price of the sky and the "extreme pressure" will only go into a dead end.


Alfrescian (Inf)
great! american will now buy less crap from tiongland. tariffs help to offset tax revenue that is lost due to the tax cut and bring jobs home now that corporate america doesn't find it cheap to made shit products in prc anymore.


Haha... old fuck u think Chinese making cheap products again... think again.... u are born yesterday...

great! american will now buy less crap from tiongland. tariffs help to offset tax revenue that is lost due to the tax cut and bring jobs home now that corporate america doesn't find it cheap to made shit products in prc anymore.


Nah:FU::FU::FU: cannot trust angmoh... they make worser products than Chinese... fake videos...

If Chinese products are so bad how come angmoh buy $300B of good from China and why ah neh India sold only $70B to US....

Bankrupt beggar angmoh want cheap good deserve bad goods... good things are not Cheap, cheap things ate not good....

Chibese make goods based on orders, no orders no Chinese makers even want to setup productions...

Why u so dumb fuck suck too much angmoh sperms...

from 2006.9 to 2019. still crap.
Last edited:

Tony Tan

Xijinping's new killer MACH 5 hypersonic drone. Flies @ 6000km/h speed. TOP OF THE WORLD Drone Speed.


中国研发全球最快无人机 每小时能飞6000公里(图)

中国研发全球最快无人机 每小时能飞6000公里(图)




China's development of the world's fastest drone can fly 6,000 kilometers per hour (Figure)

China's development of the world's fastest drone can fly 6,000 kilometers per hour (Figure)


Recently, at the Huangguoshu Flight Conference held in Anshun, Longfei Aviation Accessories Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Guizhou Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. exhibited two unique products. The first one is the Chinese shipborne UAV catapult landing gear, the second is It is the head cone of the drone.

In particular, this drone head cone is full of mysterious colors. The main function of the drone is: a certain type of UAV composite material heat-resistant vertebral vertebra, made of high temperature resin-based composite material system, which guarantees the shape of the aircraft. Continuous, can reduce flight resistance, eliminate positive shock waves, and improve aircraft aerodynamic characteristics;
Few people know that this drone can fly at speeds of Mach 5 or more and fly 6,000 kilometers per hour! Photography:

During the supersonic flight, the aircraft produces high aerodynamic heating and aerodynamic forces. The heat-resistant head is used to ensure the complete aerodynamic structure of the aircraft, ensuring that the aircraft can work normally at high temperatures and protect internal components. Performance characteristics, can work at 350 ° C for a long time (the fastest American blackbird aircraft before, the maximum temperature of the nose is only 240 degrees Celsius), carbon fiber composite material made of heat-resistant head spine than titanium alloy weight loss of more than 30%!

After analysis, we can know that this is the world's most advanced drone: the plane is flying above Mach 5, which is the so-called super-sonic flight, the ordinary supersonic speed is more than 1 times the speed of sound, and 5 Mach or more is called hypersonic, English called hypersonic, this is also the first 5 Mach drone, and the world's fastest drone, Chinese scientists and technicians have made great efforts to achieve this, won an unparalleled victory.
This is the fastest supersonic drone in the world in China. This is the fastest supersonic drone in China.

Some people may ask, this drone may be rocket engine propulsion, slamming it, but the product description specifically emphasizes that it can work at 350 degrees for a long time. Simply put, this is a special cruising drone. It is not a conventional rocket propulsion, it ends in a few tens of seconds at maximum speed, but an airplane that can continue to fly at super high speeds! The maximum speed exceeds the American Blackbird aircraft.

The aircraft can continue to fly Mach 5, the biggest feature is that the pneumatic layout and power system made a special trade-off, according to the world's super-sonic aircraft design, the most mature solution is to use the large delta wing fuselage design According to the head cone angle measurement, the aircraft wing sweep angle is roughly 65 degrees. This is an amazing data. The high-speed MiG-21 fighter has a sweep angle of 60 degrees. This design greatly reduces the aircraft's supersonic speed. resistance.
Existing supersonic aircraft solutions are sharp noses, plus ramjet or scramjet solutions. The existing supersonic aircraft solutions are sharp noses, plus ramjet or scramjet solutions.

Perhaps the biggest feature of the aircraft is the powertrain. According to American research, the most reliable design of the Mach cruise is a powertrain designed for the combination of a turbine engine and a ramjet engine, although it can be achieved with a rocket engine and a ramjet engine. This, but the rocket engine is cumbersome, and the aircraft decelerates from high speed to 2 Mach, the ramjet is difficult to work, so this is also a unique design.

5 Mach drones mean 6,000 kilometers per hour. This is the target of air defense missiles flying out of the world. The existing large-scale air defense missiles use solid rocket engine solutions. The biggest advantage is that the acceleration is fast, but the weakness is very Prominently, the rocket engine has a short working time, most of which is tens of seconds. After the engine is turned off, the speed of the missile drops sharply. It is very difficult for the 5 Mach cruise drone to be killed.
Prior to this, the fastest record of the aircraft was the American Blackbird. At the speed of Mach 3, the fastest record of the aircraft was the American Blackbird, flying at Mach 3

This is also a law: the world's martial arts are not broken, the plane is flying fast enough high enough, the enemy is helpless. In the past, the American Blackbird aircraft was invincible due to the continuous flight capability of Mach 3, and it was randomly inserted into sensitive areas of the world. The speed of the aircraft is almost the same as that of the anti-aircraft missiles, and the duration is long. Over time, the Mach 5 anti-aircraft missiles appeared and the Blackbird aircraft gradually withdrew from the stage.

This time, China's new super-high-speed drones came out, once again grabbed the world's high-speed aircraft list! (Author's signature: Dashui)