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TikTok's 'Kudasai Girl' coming to S'pore, hosting meet-&-greet at Sentosa on Jun. 14



TikTok's 'Kudasai Girl' coming to S'pore, hosting meet-&-greet at Sentosa on Jun. 14​


Armed with a selfie stick, TikToker Hal Baddie, whose real name is Devin Halbal, takes to the streets of Seoul, pursued by throngs of fans.

Their rallying cry? "Kudasai!!!!!"

The content creator is known for sashaying through cities while dressed in doll-like outfits, reciting — Duolingo-style — seemingly random phrases in the native language of the country she's in.

The most popular, evidently, is "kudasai", meaning "please" in Japanese.


advocate Devin Halbal on speaking out for trans rights



Please send to Gaza strip to be taken care by Hamas.

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