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TikTok stars sentenced to be whipped 20 times under Islamic Sharia



TikTok stars who mocked a government official in Nigeria have been sentenced to be whipped 20 times under Sharia law.

Mubarak Isa Muhammed and Muhammed Bula insulted Abdullahi Ganduje, governor of the northern state of Kano.

Their video, in which they mocked Mr Ganduje for alleged land grabbing, corruption and sleeping on the job, was posted last week.

They posted the clip on TikTok and Facebook and Muhammad, who is known as Unique Pikin online, was arrested along with Mr Bula…..


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mubarak Isa Muhammed and Muhammed Bula insulted Abdullahi Ganduje, governor of the northern state of Kano.

Northern Nigeria is a Muslim desert shithole.

If you go to Nigeria, stick to the south coastal areas.