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Tiger attacks orang asli, wife beats it off with a big stick



Published: Sunday February 13, 2011 MYT 4:15:00 PM

Tiger attacks orang asli, wife beats it off with a big stick

IPOH: A tiger has attacked and badly injured an Orang Asli at Hutan Belum in Gerik, about 200km from here.

Tambun Gering, in his 50s, was hunting squirrels with a blowpipe near his house at the Sungai Tiang Orang Asli settlement on Saturday when the tiger pounced from behind.

His screams alerted his wife, who rushed to his aid with a big stick, acting OCPD of Gerik DSP Wan Jamil Wan Chik said Sunday.

He said that the tiger left and disappeared into the jungle after she hit the animal repeatedly on the head.

Wan Jamil said that Tambun, who sustained wounds in the head, body and legs, was taken to the Gerik Hospital and later the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital in Ipoh.

Perak director of the Wildlife and National Parks Department Shabrina Sharif said that a team had been sent to investigate. - Bernama
