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Tiagong, Jiuhu will not sirpok Uncker Sam sanction on Hamas



Malaysia Renews Hamas Backing, Defying Threat of US Sanctions​

  • Leader Anwar Ibrahim compares Hamas with Nelson Mandela
  • Calls Palestinian resistance to Israel a ‘legitimate right’




Malaysia Renews Hamas Backing, Defying Threat of US Sanctions​

  • Leader Anwar Ibrahim compares Hamas with Nelson Mandela
  • Calls Palestinian resistance to Israel a ‘legitimate right’

Freedom for Palestine rally at Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on Oct. 22.

Freedom for Palestine rally at Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on Oct. 22.
Photographer: Annice Lyn/Getty Images
By Anisah Shukry and Kok Leong Chan
November 7, 2023 at 11:50 AM GMT+8

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Palestinians had the right to defend themselves against Israel, and the Southeast Asian nation wouldn’t sever ties with Hamas because of US pressure.

US efforts to restrict external parties from supporting Hamas are unilateral and Malaysia will not recognize it, Anwar told Parliament on Tuesday. Malaysian leaders over the years have held regular communications with leaders of Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization by the US and European Union.



Israel-Gaza war: Malaysia rejects US sanctions bill against supporters of Hamas, Palestinian militants​

  • Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said on Tuesday that Malaysia will not recognise unilateral sanctions such as those being put forward by Washington
  • The Hamas International Financing Prevention Act, aimed at cutting off financing to Palestinian militant groups, is awaiting voting by the US Senate


Malaysia said on Tuesday it will not recognise unilateral sanctions in response to a proposed US law to level sanctions against foreign supporters of Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups.

The Hamas International Financing Prevention Act, aimed at cutting off international financing to the groups, was passed by the US House of Representatives last week and is awaiting voting by the Senate.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said his government was closely monitoring developments on the bill’s passage, adding that it could affect Malaysia only if it is proven to provide material support to Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.


Anwar was responding to a question from an opposition lawmaker, who had sought the government’s stance on the US bill. Hamas is designated a terrorist group by the US and the European Union.

Muslim-majority Malaysia has long been a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause and has advocated for a two-state solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It does not have diplomatic relations with Israel.


Top Hamas leaders in the past have often visited Malaysia and met with its prime ministers.

Anwar previously rejected Western pressure to condemn Hamas and said the US had raised concerns with Malaysia regarding its stance on Palestine.

The US is Malaysia’s third-largest trade partner. Last year, their bilateral commerce totalled about US$77 billion, with Malaysia enjoying a trade surplus of US$31.3 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Any strain in relations could possibly affect trade terms.

“I will not accept any threats, including this,” Anwar said. “This action is unilateral and not valid, because we as members of the United Nations only recognise decisions made by the UN Security Council.”

syed putra

There is a bill to seize iranian oil too. China buys 5 million barrels a day from Iran. And has 4 warships in the Gulf.



BACKGROUND: The Hamas Sanctions Act –

  • Sanctions every Hamas member and affiliate known to the U.S. within 15 days.
  • Blocks Hamas’ funding by
    • Prohibiting U.S. taxpayer money from going into the Gaza Strip, including by rescinding the Biden administration’s ability to give itself exemptions from anti-terrorism laws.
    • Preventing Iran from accessing and raising revenue. First, prevents the Biden administration from unfreezing Iran’s sanctioned overseas accounts, including the known $6 billion and $10 billion accounts in Gulf banks. Second, the bill imposes sanctions on Iran’s “ghost fleet” of oil tankers, which it has used to raise $80 billion since President Biden took office. These sanctions also target tankers’ owners and operators. It then requires the Biden administration to work towards de-certify and de-flag those vessels.
  • Blocks Hamas’ ability to find safe havens abroad, including in Qatar or Turkey, by imposing sanctions on hotels, landlords, banks, and similar businesses in allied countries that provide services to Hamas leaders, and by requiring determinations whether such countries qualify as state sponsors of terrorism for hosting Hamas.
  • Strengthens and enforces sanctions law against the use of human shields that Sen. Cruz authored and passed into law in 2019. This legislation would renew the legislation that is set to expire, and also sanction Hamas affiliate Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ). It would also prevent the Biden administration from ignoring the 2019 law, as they have been doing.

syed putra


BACKGROUND: The Hamas Sanctions Act –

  • Sanctions every Hamas member and affiliate known to the U.S. within 15 days.
  • Blocks Hamas’ funding by
    • Prohibiting U.S. taxpayer money from going into the Gaza Strip, including by rescinding the Biden administration’s ability to give itself exemptions from anti-terrorism laws.
    • Preventing Iran from accessing and raising revenue. First, prevents the Biden administration from unfreezing Iran’s sanctioned overseas accounts, including the known $6 billion and $10 billion accounts in Gulf banks. Second, the bill imposes sanctions on Iran’s “ghost fleet” of oil tankers, which it has used to raise $80 billion since President Biden took office. These sanctions also target tankers’ owners and operators. It then requires the Biden administration to work towards de-certify and de-flag those vessels.
  • Blocks Hamas’ ability to find safe havens abroad, including in Qatar or Turkey, by imposing sanctions on hotels, landlords, banks, and similar businesses in allied countries that provide services to Hamas leaders, and by requiring determinations whether such countries qualify as state sponsors of terrorism for hosting Hamas.
  • Strengthens and enforces sanctions law against the use of human shields that Sen. Cruz authored and passed into law in 2019. This legislation would renew the legislation that is set to expire, and also sanction Hamas affiliate Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ). It would also prevent the Biden administration from ignoring the 2019 law, as they have been doing.
US weaponising it's money again. More countries will start selling off usd bonds.