千人砸警局 促交打人城管
(明報)2010年8月5日 星期四 05:05
【明報專訊】四川 省內江市前日發生騷亂事件,消息指當地城管打人引發民眾不滿,城管人員逃往公安派出所躲避,數千民眾則包圍派出所,要求交出涉事城管人員,並掀翻多輛警車及用磚塊投擲警察,致多人受傷。
四川騷亂 民眾擲磚襲警
Parking enforcement officers beat up a family of 3 after they resisted seizure of a motorbike that was parked illegally. Crowd got angry and started conflict with parking officers, more parking officers arrived and more crowd built up in the process. Later the beaten parking officers struggled to escape into a police station to take refuge. Thousands of mob besieged and attacked the station. Station was hauled with rocks and bottles and 3 police cars were overturned as angry mob demand police to turn over the parking officers. Policemen were injured. Riot squad arrived and negotiations started between the mob and police force. Until next dawn the matter is still not resolved.
千人砸警局 促交打人城管
(明報)2010年8月5日 星期四 05:05
【明報專訊】四川 省內江市前日發生騷亂事件,消息指當地城管打人引發民眾不滿,城管人員逃往公安派出所躲避,數千民眾則包圍派出所,要求交出涉事城管人員,並掀翻多輛警車及用磚塊投擲警察,致多人受傷。
四川騷亂 民眾擲磚襲警
Parking enforcement officers beat up a family of 3 after they resisted seizure of a motorbike that was parked illegally. Crowd got angry and started conflict with parking officers, more parking officers arrived and more crowd built up in the process. Later the beaten parking officers struggled to escape into a police station to take refuge. Thousands of mob besieged and attacked the station. Station was hauled with rocks and bottles and 3 police cars were overturned as angry mob demand police to turn over the parking officers. Policemen were injured. Riot squad arrived and negotiations started between the mob and police force. Until next dawn the matter is still not resolved.