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Those vaccines are highly... highly effective!



Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch​

SATURDAY, SEP 23, 2023 - 10:20 AM

There is evidence that cancers are occurring in excess after people receive COVID-19 vaccinations, according to Dr. Harvey Risch.

Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, in New York on July 7, 2022. (Bao Qiu/The Epoch Times)

Dr. Risch is professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. His research has focused extensively on the causes of cancer as well as prevention and early diagnosis.
In an interview for EpochTV’s "American Thought Leaders," Dr. Risch said patients must now wait months, not weeks, to get an appointment at an oncology clinic in New York.

here is difficulty in observing whether a vaccine can cause cancer, because cancer usually takes time to develop, Dr. Risch said. It can take anywhere from two years to 30 years, depending on the different types of cancer, from leukemia to colon cancer.

What clinicians have been seeing,” said Dr. Risch, “is very strange things: For example, 25-year-olds with colon cancer, who don't have family histories of the disease—that's basically impossible along the known paradigm for how colon cancer works—and other long-latency cancers that they're seeing in very young people."

He said this is not how cancer normally develops.

"There has to be some initiating stimulus to why this happens," he said.

Fighting Cancer​

Dr. Risch said that in his opinion, cancer is something a healthy human body can fight and disable, as the non-normal cancerous cells are gobbled up when detected in a body with a functional immune system. If the immune system is compromised, however, it cannot cope with the task of neutralizing cancerous cells, and cancerous cells are left to multiply and grow, leading to symptoms of cancer.

“That’s the mechanism I think is most likely here,” Dr. Risch said. “We know that the COVID vaccines have done various degrees of damage to the immune system in a fraction of people who have taken them.”

That damage could translate to getting COVID more often, getting other infectious diseases, or getting cancer.

Another example Dr. Risch gave was breast cancer, which normally, if there is a remanifestation after surgical removal, the remanifestation occurs after two decades. However, vaccinated women are now seen to remanifest breast cancers in much shorter periods of time.

“Those are the initial signals that we’ve been seeing, and because these cancers have been occurring to people who were too young to get them, basically, compared to the normal way it works, they’ve been designated as turbo cancers,” Dr. Risch said.

“Some of these cancers are so aggressive that between the time that they're first seen and when they come back for treatment after a few weeks, they've grown dramatically compared to what oncologists would have expected for the way cancer normally progresses,” he added.

“Be attuned to your body,” Dr. Risch recommended, for noticing any new signals the body might give.

Adverse Events After Vaccination​

Dr. Risch also talked about the aspect of official medical agencies not recognizing someone as being vaccinated inside the first two weeks of vaccination. This happens, he said, because the medical agencies say that the effects of the vaccine need two weeks to start manifesting. Adverse effects occurring a few days after vaccinations were officially counted as health conditions manifesting in unvaccinated people, he said.

However, serious adverse events after receiving the vaccine have occurred within the first four days, Dr. Risch said. He said three-quarters of adverse effects are being recorded as happening to unvaccinated people.

The decision makers who were in charge during the pandemic "threw out the principles of public health six days into the pandemic and did the opposite of everything that we knew should be done for respiratory viruses," he said.

One example was the denial of effective early treatment and unnecessary vaccinations, which show a “colossal failure of public health through this period," he said.
Dr. Risch said that a lot of people are now less likely to be “propagandized” regarding COVID, and that news reports about a new variant that is going to take over the world in the next month are “propaganda to sell the next batch of vaccines coming out in a few weeks.”

People are fed up with this and it’s going to be a lot more pushback,” he said.

Risks to Society​

Dr. Risch said that while the individual risk of an adverse reaction to the vaccine is relatively low, once that risk manifests itself at a greater scale, when millions of people have received the vaccine, the result is that hundreds of thousands of people are left with injuries and serious adverse events that are often worse than the virus itself.

Dr. Risch’s opinion is that nobody should get vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine, as the new variants are mild and not life threatening. He has heard of a few hospitalizations that lasted for some days, but as most people had COVID in the past, they have some immunity to these new variants as well.

"There is no reason for people to be vaccinated now, to any degree," he said.

He said COVID has become an illness similar to the flu in its degree of severity, and that propaganda to scare people is being pushed by the government on behalf of pharmaceutical companies to sell more vaccines.

“We live in social contact with each other and therefore spread low-level infections. This is part of human life that we take for granted and we try to treat it the best we can," he said. "That’s how we should be managing this."




Covid vaccines may have contributed to rise in excess deaths, researchers suggest​

Covid vaccines may have contributed to a rise in excess deaths observed across the western world since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.
Frank Chung

The AstraZeneca COVID vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide after the... more
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Covid vaccines may have contributed to a rise in excess deaths observed across the western world since the pandemic, including in Australia, scientists have suggested.
That claim has previously been rejected by the Australian government, including the Department of Health and Aged Care and the Australian Bureau of Statistics, as well as independent bodies like the Actuaries Institute, which maintain there is “no credible evidence” supporting such a link.
Vaccines are among a series of factors scientists are investigating as potential causes of excess deaths since the pandemic, including delayed medical treatment due to lockdowns, and the long-lasting damage done to many people by Covid itself.
Researchers from the Netherlands analysed excess all-cause mortality in 47 countries between 2020 and 2022, when there were just under 3.1 million total excess deaths recorded, with the trend continuing “despite the implementation of containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines”.
Writing in the journal BMJ Public Health on Monday, the team from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam noted that the highest number of excess deaths, 1.26 million, was recorded in 2021 when both containment measures and vaccines were used to tackle the virus.
This is compared with 1.03 million in 2020 prior to the vaccine rollout, and 808,400 in 2022 when most lockdown measures were lifted but vaccination continued.
“This is unprecedented and raises serious concerns,” they wrote.
“During the pandemic, it was emphasised by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every Covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines.
“In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same morale should apply. Every death needs to be acknowledged and accounted for, irrespective of its origin.
“Transparency towards potential lethal drivers is warranted.”
Authorities have denied any link between vaccines and excess deaths. Picture: Frederic J. Brown/AFP
Authorities have denied any link between vaccines and excess deaths. Picture: Frederic J. Brown/AFP
The authors noted previous research “confirmed profound under-reporting of adverse events, including deaths, after immunisation”, and that there was lack of consensus in the medical community “regarding concerns that mRNA vaccines might cause more harm than initially forecasted”.
They pointed to secondary analysis of data from Pfizer and Moderna vaccine trials that previously identified heightened risk of serious adverse events such as ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain haemorrhage, all of which are common clinical conditions.
“This commonality hinders clinical suspicion and consequently its detection as adverse vaccine reactions,” they said.
“Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the western world.
“A study comparing adverse event reports to VAERS and EudraVigilance following mRNA Covid-19 vaccines versus influenza vaccines observed a higher risk of serious adverse reactions for Covid-19 vaccines.”
These reactions included cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and thromboses.
“Numerous studies reported that Covid-19 vaccination may induce myocarditis, pericarditis and auto-immune diseases,” they said.
“Post-mortem examinations have also ascribed myocarditis, encephalitis, immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, intracranial haemorrhage and diffuse thrombosis to Covid-19 vaccinations.
“The Food and Drug Administration noted in July 2021 that the following potentially serious adverse events of Pfizer vaccines deserve further monitoring and investigation: pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction, immune thrombocytopenia and disseminated intravascular coagulation.”
Concerns have been raised about underreporting of side effects. Picture: Jono Searle/NCA NewsWire
Concerns have been raised about underreporting of side effects. Picture: Jono Searle/NCA NewsWire
The Dutch researchers argued that “simultaneous onset of excess mortality and Covid-19 vaccination in Germany provides a safety signal warranting further investigation”.
“Despite these concerns, clinical trial data required to further investigate these associations are not shared with the public,” they said. “Autopsies to confirm actual death causes are seldom done.”
The resulting “absence of detailed cause-of-death data” for certain countries made it difficult to determine “whether Covid-19 infection, indirect effects of containment measures, Covid-19 vaccines or other overlooked factors play an underpinning role”.
“Cause-specific mortality data therefore need to be made available to allow more detailed, direct and robust analyses to determine the underlying contributors,” they said.
“Post-mortem examinations need to be facilitated to allot the exact reason for death. Government leaders and policymakers need to thoroughly investigate underlying causes of persistent excess mortality and evaluate their health crisis policies.”
They also suggested it was “likely” that containment measures such as lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, school and business closures, travel restrictions, curfews and quarantine had contributed to the rise in excess deaths, notably via delayed or interrupted medical treatments, but conceded this was hard to prove.
Gordon Wishart, chief medical officer at Check4Cancer and visiting professor of cancer surgery at Anglia Ruskin University, told UK newspaper The Telegraph he had repeatedly warned that delaying cancer diagnosis would lead to deaths.
“It was predicted early in the lockdown period that limited access to healthcare for non-Covid conditions would lead to delays in the diagnosis and treatment of time-critical conditions such as cancer, cardiac disease, diabetes and dementia and that this would lead to excess deaths from these conditions,” he said.
The benefits ‘far outweigh the potential risks’. Picture: Christophe Archambault/AFP
The benefits ‘far outweigh the potential risks’. Picture: Christophe Archambault/AFP
Asked about the potential for vaccine harm suggested by the Dutch researchers, Prof Wishart said the authors “are correct to point out that many vaccine-related serious adverse events may have been unreported, and point to the fact that the simultaneous onset of excess mortality and Covid vaccination in Germany is worthy of further investigation on its own”.
“The paper provides more questions than answers but, it is hard to disagree with their conclusion that further analysis is required to understand the underlying causes of excess mortality to better prepare for the future management of pandemic crises,” he said.
The Australian Senate in March established an inquiry into excess mortality, following several attempts by United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet to get the probe off the ground. The inquiry, which is due to hand down its final report by August 31, has received detailed submissions from the Australian government rejecting any link between vaccines and excess deaths.
“There is no credible evidence to suggest that Covid-19 vaccines have contributed to excess deaths in Australia or overseas,” the Health Department said in its submission.
“Independent analysis of Australian death data by the Actuaries Institute found that the timing and shape of excess mortality does not support a link to vaccination.”
It noted that a study published in The Lancet in November, commissioned by the department, “confirmed that vaccines protected against Covid-19 death and found no evidence that vaccines contributed to higher all-cause mortality”.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) “rigorously assesses all vaccines for safety, quality, and effectiveness before they are supplied”, the submission added.
“Rigorous scientific studies have shown that the protective benefits of vaccination, including Covid-19 vaccination, far outweigh the potential risks, including those of serious but very rare side effects,” it said.
“Vaccination remains the most effective way to reduce severe illness, hospitalisation and death from infection. It has saved many lives in Australia, and around the world.”
Natalie Boyce, 21, died in 2022 after receiving the Moderna vaccine. Picture: Deborah Hamilton
Natalie Boyce, 21, died in 2022 after receiving the Moderna vaccine. Picture: Deborah Hamilton
The ABS said in its submission that Covid-associated deaths were the main contributor to excess mortality.
“The ABS data has recorded 16 deaths as being due to the Covid-19 vaccine in the pandemic period,” it said. “There have been nearly 71 million Covid-19 vaccine doses administered to date.”
The Actuaries Institute, which calculates excess mortality differently to the ABS, also concluded that the rise was driven by deaths “from and with Covid-19”.
“The available evidence does not support a significant contribution to excess mortality by the adverse side-effects of Covid-19 vaccines,” it said.
“Indeed, the reverse is true — while every such death is regrettable, it seems clear that the small number of deaths triggered by Covid-19 vaccines is a tiny fraction of the number of Covid-19 deaths that they have prevented.”
Coverse, a charity representing vaccine-injured Australians, said in its submission that while it did not have “statistical evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines have definitely contributed to excess mortality during 2021-2023, we do have evidence of widespread and significant downplaying of vaccine-caused harms, which has concerning implications for current understanding of drivers of excess mortality in Australia”.
“Unfortunately, vaccines are rarely studied for their ‘non-specific effects’ (such as potentially causing) patients to become more susceptible to other diseases,” Coverse said.
“Our government agencies and officials claim that the current excess mortality statistics do not implicate the Covid-19 vaccines as an identifiable driver, yet no studies are being undertaken into such non-specific effects. We imagine that they simply do not want to even consider these types of studies as their reputations are very much tied with the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccines in Australia.”