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this will happen in jurong east one day...



Malaysian pharmacist found stabbed to death in newly-bought Melbourne home​

Story by Malay Mail
• 22h
Malay Mail

Malay Mail

MELBOURNE, Oct 27 — A Malaysian-born pharmacist was found dead in his home in a Melbourne suburb on Wednesday (October 23).

Australia’s 7News reported that Leong ‘KC’ Kum Chuan, 29, was found dead by a friend at his Davidson St townhouse in Bellfield and is believed to have died from multiple stabbings on Tuesday night.

Leong had only recently purchased and moved into his home six months ago.

His accused killer Simon Hunter, 54, was arrested just across the road from Leong’s house, near a toilet block in a park.

The accused murderer had appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court via a video link during which he flew into fits of rage and started rambling incoherently as well as pacing.

His lawyer said Hunter had been previously diagnosed with schizophrenia and had not taken his medication in two weeks.

Hunter will again face the court in January.

At press time, it wasnot known if the accused and the deceased knew each other.