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This summon jiuhu pundeh dont know who is SEP 1car plate.




SINGAPORE — The Land Transport Authority (LTA) and the Singapore Police Force (SPF) have reminded Presidential security officers to comply with traffic rules, after a photo of the Presidential convoy being parked along double yellow lines was widely circulated on social media.

However, even though traffic rules were flouted, the vehicle convoy for Singapore President Halimah Yacob was not issued traffic summons.

SINGAPORE — The Land Transport Authority (LTA) and the Singapore Police Force (SPF) have reminded Presidential security officers to comply with traffic rules, after a photo of the Presidential convoy being parked along double yellow lines was widely circulated on social media.

However, even though traffic rules were flouted, the vehicle convoy for Singapore President Halimah Yacob was not issued traffic summons.


In the photo of the incident on Wednesday (Dec 20), a LTA officer can be seen talking to the driver of a white Mercedes with the number plate “SEP1”, which was parked along double yellow lines along Princep Street.

“SEP” is the acronym for Singapore Elected President and “SEP1” is the exclusive car number plate for Singapore’s Head of State.

In a joint statement by the LTA and SPF on Friday (Dec 22), the agencies confirmed that an LTA enforcement officer was conducting his routine patrol along Prinsep Street on Wednesday (Dec 20) when he noticed two vehicles waiting along a stretch of road marked with double yellow lines.

The officer approached the vehicle to ask the driver to drive off, who in turn told the officer that he was there to pick up President Halimah Yacob, “who was leaving the place”.

“In the midst of the engagement, the President arrived and the driver drove off. There was no summons issued,” the LTA and SPF said in the statement.


SINGAPORE — The Land Transport Authority (LTA) and the Singapore Police Force (SPF) have reminded Presidential security officers to comply with traffic rules, after a photo of the Presidential convoy being parked along double yellow lines was widely circulated on social media.

However, even though traffic rules were flouted, the vehicle convoy for Singapore President Halimah Yacob was not issued traffic summons.

SINGAPORE — The Land Transport Authority (LTA) and the Singapore Police Force (SPF) have reminded Presidential security officers to comply with traffic rules, after a photo of the Presidential convoy being parked along double yellow lines was widely circulated on social media.

However, even though traffic rules were flouted, the vehicle convoy for Singapore President Halimah Yacob was not issued traffic summons.
Isn’t this corruption? Why is she above the law?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Patriotic gongkia Sinkies who actually recited the pledge on NDP day, do you feel stupid now? You're just regurgitating a pack of lies, it's wishful thinking at best.

And you teach your children to do the same: lie to themselves by reciting the pledge. :cool:


Last time got Chinese towkay driven by Ah Mat….nowadays got mudd boss driven by Ah Beng . Huat ahhhh !!!!!