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This mushrooms reminds me of Cheng Li Hui.


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
goes well with cucumber.
hanor, but pse name your source for this accompaniment, as a sauce side-dish for the goose is oso sauce for the gander.
paves the way for many smooth saucy fender-bender incidents with pedal to the metal incisive and penetrative motions of the piston, to the well-oiled and slushy engine. vroom! :whistling:


Alfrescian (Inf)
hanor, but pse name your source for this accompaniment, as a sauce side-dish for the goose is oso sauce for the gander.
paves the way for many smooth saucy fender-bender incidents with pedal to the metal incisive and penetrative motions of the piston, to the well-oiled and slushy engine. vroom! :whistling:
atb recipe from kunming, and some say cumming.


Mushroom and Cucumber Salad (Liang Ban Huanggua)​
