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this morning 5km run is very pleasant...


just completed...super cooling weather with verylight drizzle 细细雨...feels good and recharged to work today...
I'm impressed with people like you can go jogging early in morning before work, like in hk drama.
Other sinkies are mostly not having enough time to sleep, some don't even have enough time to shit.


I cannot even run for 20m. Maybe max at 10m and the finishing will be as chuan as last time finishing 2.4km :eek:
No joke. I think soon even brisk walk need to reduce to walk :frown:
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Alfrescian (Inf)
He should walk from home to work. And walk from work to home. :sneaky::devilish::tongue:
He should consider this form of restful transport after a good 5km run.
  • Haha
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