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this man take so.many pictures of women for what? to 打炮 at home himself?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Take photo without permission only mah, these silly women think that is equivalent to 'harassment' or 'visual rape'. :rolleyes:

I dunno kena taken photos without consent by tourists how many times already, in those touristy areas.


No lah....the phone suddenly went to camera mode due to some gestures feature and the guy did not know how to disable it.


No lah....the phone suddenly went to camera mode due to some gestures feature and the guy did not know how to disable it.
actually sometimes I also don't know why my phone go I to cam mode in the mrt. I swear to jesus that I did not turn in on myself


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Take photo without permission only mah, these silly women think that is equivalent to 'harassment' or 'visual rape'. :rolleyes:

I dunno kena taken photos without consent by tourists how many times already, in those touristy areas.


Does a photographer need an individual’s consent to take a photograph of the individual?​

Does a photographer need an individual’s consent to take a photograph of the individual in public?

Photography in Public

The general answer is that in Singapore there is no law that specifically says that consent from an individual is necessary before before capturing a photograph containing the person’s likeness in public places. If that is not the case, it will be almost impossible to take photographs in public or at public events and street photography cannot exist.