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This kimchi volleyball chiobu's tiktok dance is so damn cringy i can't stop watching


Alfrescian (Inf)
This dance would be much better without the clothes.

The song is cringe. But cringe and scandal is how the clickbait merchants at TikTok attract eyeballs.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Really looks like a man dancing...

An ugly man at that!

She's actually quite pretty for Korean standards, if you disregard those who did plastic surgery.

There are really hideous ones, but I'm sure a personality and a hole can compensate for a lack of looks. :biggrin:


She's actually quite pretty for Korean standards, if you disregard those who did plastic surgery.

There are really hideous ones, but I'm sure a personality and a hole can compensate for a lack of looks. :biggrin:

Smlj is "personality"? Is it willingness to swallow and also to allow back door?