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Minister visits SAF troops in New Zealand <!-- TITLE : end--> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" height="15">
</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3" class="bodytext_10pt"> <!-- CONTENT : start --> TROOPS from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) participating in the annual artillery exercise in New Zealand received two visitors Wednesday morning.
Minister of State for Defence, Associate Professor Koo Tsai Kee, and the Minister of Defence for New Zealand, Dr Wayne Mapp, met the troops at the Waiouru Training Area. The two also observed a battalion live-firing exercise involving the FH-2000 Field Howitzer and the Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer, Primus. There are about 400 SAF personnel from the 20th and 21st Battalions taking part in this year's exercise, which runs till early February.
Both SAF and the New Zealand Defence Force have worked together in multinational reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. Prof Koo is currently on an official visit to New Zealand. His visit is part of the regular ministerial exchanges between Singapore and New Zealand. During his visit, he also met up with Ms Heather Roy, Associate Minister of Defence and Education, at the New Zealand defence ministry yesterday.
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Prof Koo Tsai Kee calling on Defence Minister Dr Wayne.
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Minister visits SAF troops in New Zealand <!-- TITLE : end--> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" height="15">
Minister of State for Defence, Associate Professor Koo Tsai Kee, and the Minister of Defence for New Zealand, Dr Wayne Mapp, met the troops at the Waiouru Training Area. The two also observed a battalion live-firing exercise involving the FH-2000 Field Howitzer and the Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer, Primus. There are about 400 SAF personnel from the 20th and 21st Battalions taking part in this year's exercise, which runs till early February.
Both SAF and the New Zealand Defence Force have worked together in multinational reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. Prof Koo is currently on an official visit to New Zealand. His visit is part of the regular ministerial exchanges between Singapore and New Zealand. During his visit, he also met up with Ms Heather Roy, Associate Minister of Defence and Education, at the New Zealand defence ministry yesterday.
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Prof Koo Tsai Kee calling on Defence Minister Dr Wayne.
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