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This is why you shouldnt date single mothers like Cloudy.



Woman’s kids ‘destroy’ her boyfriend’s house, pour cement down toilet, TN cops say​

Madeleine List
Tue, November 1, 2022 at 6:29 PM

A woman’s children “destroyed” her boyfriend’s house by pouring cement down the toilet, nailing a door to the roof and ripping electrical wires out of the wall, causing up to $200,000 in damage, according to an arrest affidavit from Tennessee.

Police responded to the Nashville home on June 26 after the man had returned to the property and found it “in complete disarray,” the affidavit says.

The man, who was renting the home, had left about two months prior after having a “dispute” with his girlfriend and her two sons. The girlfriend was later arrested and went to jail, leaving her two sons, one of whom is 19, in the home alone.

On June 23, the sons called their mother in jail and told her that an eviction notice had been delivered to the house. She told them that she “would have destroyed the house” before she went away, and her 19-year-old son replied, “You’re giving us ideas right now,” the affidavit says.

Three days later, her children called her again “bragging” about what they’d done to the house, police said.

“They talk about dumping the pots onto the driveway, destroying the bedframe and appliances, removing walls, ripping out light fixtures, and pouring concrete down the toilet and flushing it until the handle breaks,” the affidavit says.

When the man returned to the home, he also found that cabinets had been ripped out and a door was nailed to the roof with the words “(expletive) you” spray-painted on it, according to the affidavit.

Detectives spoke with the 19-year-old’s brother, whose age is not specified in the affidavit, on Sept. 30, and he denied any involvement in the destruction of the home, according to the affidavit. He said his brother had gone to collect belongings after the eviction notice was served.

Neighbors reported seeing the brothers going in and out of the home and hearing noises that “sounded like construction” around the time the damage was caused, according to the affidavit.

A contractor who looked over the damage said the estimated cost to repair the home would be $180,000 to $200,000, the affidavit says. The owner sold the property for $17,000.

The 19-year-old was charged with vandalism between $60,000 and $250,000, according to the affidavit, which is dated Oct. 3. He was booked into jail on Oct. 31. Charges for his brother are not listed, and he did not appear in a court search.



".... and a door was nailed to the roof with the words “(expletive) you” spray-painted on it, according to the affidavit."

Why can't they just state the word "Fuck" there?


How is the repair fee be so much higher than sale price ?

""A contractor who looked over the damage said the estimated cost to repair the home would be $180,000 to $200,000, the affidavit says. The owner sold the property for $17,000.""