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This is why you have to be careful when eating street food. Nice doesn't mean hygienic.


only turd world countries have this thing called street food.

stinkypura is maybe unique in bundling them all up under the banner of hawker centres.

other countries haven't got hawker centres.

stinkypura is turd world, no questions abt it though.


only turd world countries have this thing called street food.

stinkypura is maybe unique in bundling them all up under the banner of hawker centres.

other countries haven't got hawker centres.

stinkypura is turd world, no questions abt it though.

What about Pasar Malam food stores?

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Been there and lived there.
If you raise a flag. "Black lives matter" - then you may need to deal with it.

Most of the fast-food restaurants are managed by blacks and their standard on cleanliness is lowest/
They don't clean themselves and never keep the place clean and tidy either.