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Papigs are trying hard to clamp down those that oppose them ,cos they are gaining from. All these .When u hv control n authorities, u live like a king,all.forgot.when covid time ,eggs are scarce but u can see one MP hv a stack of eggs,I am thing to myself,if there is a shortage of food ,u will see that Papigs are well taken care of with food fully provided in their GCB, sinkies are dumb, when real situation happens u will see the real face,no wonder there are rich n poor ppl in these world,


Look at recent case of money laundry ,no wonder we hv million hdb,the gang already in sg those caught are just tip of ice berg, many are spread give PR or whatever, if they already in sg in 2016 but I doubt should earlier ,they already hay wired our economy, almost 1 billion in properties or more will disrupt out properties market as it in term disturb pricing, papigs happy cos they benefits from it ,that's means dumb si kids overpaid for their properties,