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Serious This chink explains so well why PAP will win landslide victory!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinks will always be slaves to money and power. Whether PAP does right or wrong, so long as PAP has money and power, chinks will still vote for PAP!

Great speech by Mask Man!



Alfrescian (Inf)
Mask Man 面具人 is a pro-CCP shill, and a laughable imitation of this guy:

Trump is not exactly anti-CCP. He did nothing for Xinjiang and Hong Kong. He just can't be bothered. He merely wanted a better trade deal from Xi Jinping, and he is still hoping to get a trade deal from Winnie Xi at this late stage to salvage the US economy and his reelection campaign when both Congress and Senate are now hawkish towards China. Hundreds of former Bush officials are now openly supporting Biden. If Donald Trump doesn't change his strategy, I won't be surprised if he gets replaced by Pence. The Republican Party is crashing into a crisis.


Alfrescian (Inf)
And look at the rising COVID-19 numbers in the US in recent days, with over 50 thousand cases per day. If Trump can't get this fixed, he can forget about being president of the US very soon.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Trump is not exactly anti-CCP. He did nothing for Xinjiang and Hong Kong. He just can't be bothered. He merely wanted a better trade deal from Xi Jinping, and he is still hoping to get a trade deal from Winnie Xi at this late stage to salvage the US economy and his reelection campaign when both Congress and Senate are now hawkish towards China. Hundreds of former Bush officials are now openly supporting Biden. If Donald Trump doesn't change his strategy, I won't be surprised if he gets replaced by Pence. The Republican Party is crashing into a crisis.

You're wrong. Trump will be the one who ends the CCP regime. Watch and enjoy.

Also, it isn't about the D's vs the R's: there are globalist traitors in both parties. It is nationalism vs globalism. The world order will shift.

By the way, you should get up-to-date with the happenings in American politics. Listening to Steve Bannon's War Room might help educate yourself.



Alfrescian (Inf)
You're wrong. Trump will be the one who ends the CCP regime. Watch and enjoy.

Also, it isn't about the D's vs the R's: there are globalist traitors in both parties. It is nationalism vs globalism. The world order will shift.

By the way, you should get up-to-date with the happenings in American politics. Listening to Steve Bannon's War Room might help educate yourself.

LOL! I do think Steve Bannon should replace Donald Trump as the president of the US! Donald Trump is very mild towards the CCP unlike Steve. But then again, Steve is not Trump. There is no link there!


Alfrescian (Inf)
LOL! I do think Steve Bannon should replace Donald Trump as the president of the US! Donald Trump is very mild towards the CCP unlike Steve. But then again, Steve is not Trump. There is no link there!

There's no point in pursuing a trade deal with China, because those Chicoms never wanted to fulfill their part of the bargain anyway. They're just stalling for time and hoping (or plotting) that Trump doesn't get re-elected. People are waking up.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You're wrong. Trump will be the one who ends the CCP regime. Watch and enjoy.

Also, it isn't about the D's vs the R's: there are globalist traitors in both parties. It is nationalism vs globalism. The world order will shift.

By the way, you should get up-to-date with the happenings in American politics. Listening to Steve Bannon's War Room might help educate yourself.

You cannot wake up a person that pretends to be asleep.


Alfrescian (Inf)
There's no point in pursuing a trade deal with China, because those Chicoms never wanted to fulfill their part of the bargain anyway. They're just stalling for time and hoping (or plotting) that Trump doesn't get re-elected. People are waking up.

You are wrong there! CCP can't wait for Trump to get re-elected. Why? Because they are going to get a better deal from Trump. Trump needs to restart the battered post-COVID-19 US economy, doesn't he? If Biden gets elected, they are going to have to deal with a completely different administration. Won't it be easier to deal with Trump when they have already figured out all of Trump's 底牌? Unless Donald Trump gets back his magic ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are wrong there! CCP can't wait for Trump to get re-elected. Why? Because they are going to get a better deal from Trump. Trump needs to restart the battered post-COVID-19 US economy, doesn't he? If Biden gets elected, they are going to have to deal with a completely different administration. Won't it be easier to deal with Trump when they have already figured out all of Trump's 底牌? Unless Donald Trump gets back his magic ...

Agree to disagree. There will be no deal, but regime change. Have a nice day. :cool: