In the dart board, when your darts hit inside the wire of big circle is
double score, small circle is tripple score, bull eye is 50 points
and green outer bull is 25 points.
International standard game starts with 501,
so 501 slowly minus out your score until zero,
to finish off, i.e. check dart, the final dart must
be a double score. So if your score balance of 40
you have to score double 20, big circle.
32 will be double 16 and bull eye which is 50 also can end the game.
So you see, to end a game you have to leave a balance of even number.
Highest one dart check is 50, bull eye.
Highest 3 darts check is 170, i.e. tripple 20, tripple 20 and bull eye 50.
Least number of darts check is 9 darts, as shown above clip.
This is equilavent to hole in one or 147 in snooker, or 300 in bowling.
Darts is a simple game but you have to be good in calculation.
E.g. score bal. of 126, we go for tripple 19, a single 19 and bull eye,
the only way to finish the game
122 bal. we go for tripple 18 a single 18 and bull eye.
Best balance left to finish the game is 40, 32 and 24.
Reason, bal. 40, if we hit 20 still bal. 20 we still can go for double 10
hit 10, bal. 10 still can go for double 5. same for 32 and 24.
but not the same for score bal. of 38, if we hit 19, score bal. 19
cannot finish the game unless we score an odd points i.e. 1, 3 or 5
to finish 18, 16 or 14 for double 9, 8 or 7.
Darts can also be a team game in Mickey Mouse
and Half Egg.
International game is 501 with fly start
some tournament play with double start.