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They committed too much sins, must spend half-day do some good


Singapore pools cause gambling addiction, entice people to throw their hard-earned money into mega TOTO draws with poor payouts, creating many family issues. They committed too much sins, must spend half-day do some good

Curse them.

Singapore pools outlets to close for half day on May 9 to let staff volunteers at community event.
One fine day, some kisiao gambler will buy a 5 litre bottle of kerosene and set fire on a Sinkapore Pools outlet :biggrin:

Byebye Penis

SOS got a relative who owned a Singapore pool outlet.
Damn snobbish when he was young, because they were so much richer and stayed in landed.

Now Singapore pools imposes a cap on how much they can make per outlet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One fine day, some kisiao gambler will buy a 5 litre bottle of kerosene and set fire on a Sinkapore Pools outlet :biggrin:

Sinkie Pools outlets should open for 24 hours. Convenient betting for SG fools around the clock. :thumbsup:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I notice most Singapool Pool outlets are inside NTUC Fairprice , so is there a symbiotic relationship with PAP?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I notice most Singapool Pool outlets are inside NTUC Fairprice , so is there a symbiotic relationship with PAP?

Of course lah, left pocket vs right pocket. Don't forget about Unity pharmacies and Cheers convenience stores. :cool: