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They are scaring old farts into getting annual flu jabs


Alfrescian (Inf)

Flu shots available at 3 retail pharmacies from Oct 28 under a trial​



I wonder how much money these PAP technocrats had received from the likes of Merck. GSK and Sanofi? :wink:


Anyone can inject anyone with not than 5mins of training.
Stop the bullshitting about which retail pharmacies will be made available.
The only question remains - is it good to be jabbed.


Anyone can inject anyone with not than 5mins of training.
Stop the bullshitting about which retail pharmacies will be made available.
The only question remains - is it good to be jabbed.
Those who receive the vaccines will be observed for 15 minutes after their jabs, with protocols in place for pharmacists to manage and provide advice on potential side effects.
This is a pure bullshitting.
What can the pharmacist do with protocol in place, if you have problem after the jab?
They can either ask you to continue to monitor at home and go hospital if get too bad.