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the weather is so fucking hot


Now you know why rich Tiongs only get PR or shitizenship to speculate property and wash money here only? They will stay in USA or Canada with four seasons nice weather. Here is a place for low SES India and Chinese coolies! Prime example is Jet Li who never stay here or contribute to life here. His daughters studied in international schools now moved to USA already. He even try to regain Tiong shitizenship but CCP don’t like him unlike Lao Chio Gong Li. Even this ATB prefer France over this shit hot place!

Even Lao Goh dotter run road to AMDK country
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Now you know why rich Tiongs only get PR or shitizenship to speculate property and wash money here only? They will stay in USA or Canada with four seasons nice weather. Here is a place for low SES India and Chinese coolies! Prime example is Jet Li who never stay here or contribute to life here. His daughters studied in international schools now moved to USA already. He even try to regain Tiong shitizenship but CCP don’t like him unlike Lao Chio Gong Li. Even this ATB prefer France over this shit hot place!

Even Lao Goh dotter run road to AMDK country
SG is just a stepping stone.


Chemtrail is part of the reasons why the weather is so humid but no one in SG internet forums talk about it. I wonder if the sheeple are truly blind that they can’t seems to see that they are the insects that have been sprayed all the time


If it hot here, it's hot in Sumatra too. Soon smoke and haze.
It’s humid, it was never hot. Sheeple will get confused and agree climate change is real.

In fact, the title of the thread is misleading.

Climate change is a man-made climate engineered hoax. Sheeple will be deceived by the effects of the hoax they had created but when looking at the actual temperature is not ridiculous high at all
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Be appreciative of every moment.

When it is sunny do not hope for the rain.

When it is rainy do not hope for the sun.


Alfrescian (Inf)
is zhang yufei olympic swimmer of ccp hot too? super doped until body becums hulk.


Each foreigner adds 37°C to the island.

2 million foreigners = 2 000 000 X 37°
= 74 000 000 °C

Can boil water 740 000 times everyday.