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The Vaccine injured. Tell your story why you anti and how you became injured.




Rebecca Schwager

I lost my mum this year on March 6th to brain tumours.
Mum was the one person I showed everything too. Got her to travel 6 hours to me before the lockdowns. Showed her all the evidence I had and what I was seeing on Telegram. I signed her up to Telegram and was sending her info. I also warned everyone I know and even rang close family members. But I was the crazy one. I found out that the pressure from other family members and especially my brother - well you’re not coming around here unless you’re vaccinated and you won’t see your grandkids!!
I looked after her 24hours for 5 weeks straight before she died. I found out that she got the jab three weeks before she died. They gave her the 2nd shot and the 1st booster at the same time as she was behind.
My mum didn’t have the heart to tell me.

Nicole Jansen

I lost count on the funerals of family and friends, if all the vax injuries, now my brother in tests for cancer. He is the last bit of family I have in England. If he goes my connection to my beautiful second homeland will be gone . I cant express how sad I feel about all that change what’s happening in my life right now . Like living a complete different life, cause all people die and bridges to the past break , just learning to see it from a different angle and new direction.
Yes the ambulance siren is always around, even in our little suburbia village in Germany. I walk the streets and some houses seem empty and many gardens are ungroomed , which is unusual for our neighborhood. That frightens me ,we wii live in a ghosttown soon.

cutlass Liz

I lost my beautiful younger brother last year 4days after his 44 birthday ....I know it was the vaccines though the 'official' inquest still has not taken place....it's the first anniversary this month and I still miss him like I have a limb missing.....
the hardest part is knowing 'they' murdered my brother and don't give a feck........
I tried telling him and the rest of my family but they all got the jabs....he also experienced anxiety like never before coz of the lockdown mind abuse and torture they put us through.......

and he listened to that song "the sound of silence" daily .....rest free my beloved angel ....I believe he was a starseed who got lost along the way

Veronica Coleck

That’s horrible, I’m so sorry.
Two of my grandsons got the jab because of their other parent. My kids are mad but nothing to do‍♀️.
One has been sick since. Takes a bit of your heart away.
Please God that we make it through this insanity


An engineer I work with who I hadn’t seen for a while apologised to me for not listening when I tried to warn him of the vaccine dangers. In his own words, “We all thought you were wired but you were right and the only one, why weren’t you taken in by all the hype.” I told him that no one dies if a cold unless you’re immune compromised, the officials in government told us we had a 99.98% recovery. He said that many of his fiends and family young and old have either died or are injured. He asked if was thinking “I told you so” and I replied that I had just wished they had listened and not got hurt.

Peter's Friend77

I truly believe my Dad was vaccine injured he got thrombocytopenia 8 days after his 2nd AstraZeneca and was rushed to hospital he had to have a platelet transfusion he spent months in his house terrified before the jab he wouldn't let anyone in his house and wouldn't go out he eventually couldn't live independently I moved him in with me so I could look after him I ended up doing everything for him he had infection after infection that wouldn't clear up with holistic or drugs my Dad passed away of a massive internal haemorrhage July 2022 I know it was the vaccine that slowly killed him I miss him

I live in Finland on the country side. I have never heard so many ambulance sirenes as this year. It's non stop. My neighbours know I'm "anti vaxx" and are bullying me in a group. They are sleeping and do not want to face the truth. The ambulance has been at one neighbour and they have been in the hospital. Even if it's really difficult to be bullied I'm so proud that I stand up for what I believe in. I dear to be different and speak my truth. I would not want to be otherwise.I'm so grateful and thankful that I'm awake and did not take the vaccine .


Manda Copson

I lost my healthy brother just under 2 years ago I believe I was because of the shot, a week after his 2nd we lost him. I am now surrounded by friends having heart attacks and getting cancer etc. I keep quiet about my beliefs due to being made to feel like I’m crazy. I pray for the day this all ends and people see it for what it is.

Elaine Horton-Bennett

During one of our usual neighbourly chats, we made the mistake of mentioning we were unvaxxed. They physically took a big step back and have not spoken to us since. This info obviously spread and it became obvious we were being avoided/shunned. Ambulances have become a common visitor in our road. A neighbour lived with his wife and mother-in-law and they were both jabbed. He refused. He lost his wife and Mother-in-Law within two months.


Alfrescian (Inf)
During one of our usual neighbourly chats, we made the mistake of mentioning we were unvaxxed. They physically took a big step back and have not spoken to us since.

And that is why you shouldn't feel sad about the deaths of vaxtards. :cool:
