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The stampede in South Korea risks happening at Singapore-Malaysia causeway

Byebye Penis


syed putra

JB immigration upgrading its software for some strange reason, when election is spproaching. Meaning no gomen in charge.

Byebye Penis

Malaysia is also experiencing inflation, so daft Sinkies better think again if they believe 'favorable exchange rates' allow them to huat in JB. :biggrin:
Still cheap bro.

I just had my egg roti prata in JB last month at 1/4 of Singapore's price. ONE-QUARTER!!!


Retard m&ds need more time. Please be understanding to special need people.

stupid stinky rats it's your chink pork knuckle slurping wuhan virus carriers that are special needs people.

YOU are the ones trying to visit Malaysia. Malaysia can ban ALL stinkies from visiting Malaysia, permanently. WTF can you mongoloid mongrels do apart from whining and moaning?

Get back to your pigeonhole stuffed in hot humid sweltering weather if you dun want to abide by Malaysian law on Malaysian territory. It's bad enough stinkypura was given away to you fucktard wuhan virus carrying copycat morons.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Why need customs when it’s not effective to stop murderers fugitives and terrorists ? Only inconvenience the innocent.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I guess wearing a mask does help in these situations, for there is no escape when someone nearby farts. :unsure:


A airconditioned travellator walkway is the way to go. Charge every person $2 crossing from Singapore and RM6 from Johor. With daily travellers amounting to 300,000, say only 100,000 use the travellator, it's 3 million travellers on the travellator per month. It's $6million in revenue per month on the Singapore side at the minimum.