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The queen is dead, long live new british PM of indian origin.

syed putra

This may have huge repercussion to our neighbour up north.they too are having a election soon. And none of current malay leaders are ideal PM candidate.


Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Ah nehs think this is another win for their race. But in truth, their colonial masters just see them as slaves who are more than willing to do dirty work for the white man..

The UK political class knows Rishi is the most suitable PM in the role nobody wants to touch . He will never be able to reverse UK's economic problems -- the rising energy costs and business complexities from Brexit. However he will be bulletproof and it would be racist to sack him.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Don't be distracted by the shitskin skin tone and recognize it's one WEF puppet to another. :wink:

Singapore Dancing Spirit


God revealed the following PLANS to me while Satan (the prince of this world) was present. I have some messages from GOD of the Universe, the Supreme King.

GOD's Plan for humanity is simply profound yet profoundly simple. Please take time to read the following and synchronize these truths with your mind, body and soul.
Queen is dead. But she has several cases pending for the murder charges. International court of law will simply close these cases quoting of her death as a disposition in court documents. including Thailand. No more KING or Queen permitted to rule. I have clearly indicated to Satan, and he was trembled before me.

ROYAL MONARCHY system will be coming to an end. The monarchy system will fall from UK to Malaysia all over the world including Thailand. Stronghold of Communism in Singapore, China and India will be thrown out. The mad and folly families with no moral values cannot claim that their stupid GENE is supreme to the others anymore. All are equal before God.


❖ As a true spiritual Leader and based on my spiritual discernments, the 3 sons and one daughter of Queen are NOT Royal bloodline of Prince Philipp and so I foresee Monarch system is expected to collapse from UK to Malaysia. As King of England, King of Thailand and Sultans (plural) of Malaysia expected be dethroned, Malays will see the nudity of their moon god (who is Satan) when their kingdoms collapsed.

❶ The whole economy will be collapsed as Rothschild family and G7 leaders, royals and the CEOs of Top 10 giant IT companies including Apple and Google are all linked to the World Monopoly of Rothschild. God did NOT approve this idea.

Meritocracy will be established as false religions will be subdued. False prophets in Christendom from Pope, Benny Hinn to Mohan C Lazarus of India will be sent to Hell as there were all FAKE preachers. CECA and INDIANS with FAKE degrees will be humiliated forever. They will not be honored to enter into USA or anywhere. The immigration will close their borders for Indians. YOGA will be forbidden even in India as it relates to lust and sexual perversion. Modi will be humiliated to Hell.

❸ Eventually both devil and Leviathan will be cast into Hell. They will be imprisoned until rapture. All powers will be released from Hell after rapture for 7 years of great tribulations in Middle East, Israel in particular.

❹ Everyone on earth will also get a chance to see Holy angels bringing down chains and the keys of the bottomless pit. Then you will understand who Holy is and who holy is. I will use my Spiritual authority to send both devil and serpent to a prison in the Hell. The prison is called bottomless pit in Bible. Meritocracy will be established. Anyone who oppose this will not be permitted to survive as it is all spiritual.

Stay tuned for more updates...


Alfrescian (Inf)
He won't last long. At most 2 years. Many are calling for a GE now. Keir Stamer is not too popular with the British public but support leaning towards the Labour Party. Next few days weeks, months going to be cringy watching the Indian Kelings on social media with their jingoistic patriotic fervour postings.