Actually, the reverse is true. It is only simple logic.
Being promiscuous at its basic understanding, it means being sexually active in the reproduction act, which means MORE kids of next generations being born.
It is only when no or little kids being born will Civilization ends & goes extinct, often painfully for the aging last Humans, with only natural decaying cells, immobilized on bed & hungry, yet unable to reach out for an apple in his/her garden.from bountiful planet Earth, a mere few steps away....
Of course, there will be issues of morality, abortion, creation of kids out of plastic bags by advances of science, sustainable financial social support, & even poor performance by the male or female in the pleasurable reproduction acts under the concepts of true love-tenderness,care,concern, compromises-, etc.
However, such are not insurmountable issues that solutions thru peaceful discussions & debates be found to overcome hurdles
It is the failure to do so such that Humankind will go extinct....