Two in five Singaporeans want PMDs banned
Electric scooters ranked as most dangerous mode of transport
Recent fatalities involving PMDs (Personal Mobility Devices) have resulted in Singaporeans calling for a ban. Latest YouGov research shows that two in five (42%) of Singaporeans want PMDs banned altogether.
Three in ten (29%) disagree with the ban and the remaining three in ten (30%) are undecided. Older Singaporeans (aged 55 and above) are more averse to PMDs than younger Singaporeans (aged 18 to 24).
Half (51%) of older Singaporeans want PMDs banned, contrasted with over a quarter (27%) of younger Singaporeans.
Two thirds (66%) of Singaporeans think that PMDs should be restricted to people with mobility issues.
Overall three in five (60%) of Singaporeans would classify PMDs as dangerous. One in seven (14%) think they are safe, and the remaining quarter (25%) are undecided.
When asked to rank modes of transport from most dangerous to least dangerous to pedestrians, electric scooters came up on top (49% ranked as most dangerous), ahead of cars (19%). This is followed by motorbikes (11%), electric bicycles (9%), skateboards (7%), kick scooters (3%) and pedal bicycles (2%).
The majority (73%) think that PMDs should be allowed on specified lanes, but few agree that they should be on footpaths (19%) or public roads (19%). Over one in seven (16%) think they should not be allowed anywhere.
The good news for those who aren’t fans of PMDs is that they aren’t that prevalent. Only one in twenty (6%) currently own a PMD. Men are three times more likely than women to own one. (9% vs. 3%).