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The only thing I feel about LWL death is money, knowledge, exercise all don’t matter infront of some diseases


Humans are so powerless infront of some diseases. Got money, knowledge, exercise, diet all no use.
Meeting some diseases is just like women met barbarians indeed. You got money, knowledge, exercise, diet all useless. They will rape and kill you with their evil dirty hands dirty mouth dirty everything Pui!


Meeting some diseases is just like women met barbarians indeed. You got money, knowledge, exercise, diet all useless. They will rape and kill you with their evil dirty hands dirty mouth dirty everything Pui!
I watch true crime stories so many women are powerless and dead when met barbarians. Barbarians do evil rape and murder to feel like a winner and then mock their victim of crimes. Got money, knowledge, exercise got what use against barbarians?


I watch true crime stories so many women are powerless and dead when met barbarians. Barbarians do evil rape and murder to feel like a winner and then mock their victim of crimes. Got money, knowledge, exercise got what use against barbarians?
@NanoSpeed is one of the thousands of barbarians hiding in rat hole doing evil to me and mocking me with his Cantonese dog pride. His evil dirty son of prostitute mouth say you are prostitute means you are prostitute cancel all your years of hard work. Got money got knowledge etc got what use against such barbarians? You can only deal with barbarians by being a barbarian.


@NanoSpeed is one of the thousands of barbarians hiding in rat hole doing evil to me and mocking me with his Cantonese dog pride. His evil dirty son of prostitute mouth say you are prostitute means you are prostitute cancel all your years of hard work. Got money got knowledge etc got what use against such barbarians? You can only deal with barbarians by being a barbarian.
Unfortunately women no matter how barbarian cannot win men and will be killed.


@NanoSpeed is one of the thousands of barbarians hiding in rat hole doing evil to me and mocking me with his Cantonese dog pride. His evil dirty son of prostitute mouth say you are prostitute means you are prostitute cancel all your years of hard work. Got money got knowledge etc got what use against such barbarians? You can only deal with barbarians by being a barbarian.
@NanoSpeed you are no different from a rapist killer that has zero remorse and mocked your victim of crimes. May you and your reincarnation be gangraped and mocked and after that your rapist killer enjoy life talk about go travel buy things as if done nothing wrong. Pui!


And act righteous in other people’s family quarrel.
When in reality these hypocrites are just using the chance to attack whoever they don’t like as the bad guy. They really care meh whether the house is demolished or not lky wish is respected or not. OF COURSE NOT.