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The Most Dangerous Cooking Oils in the World



For the last few decades we've been duped into believing we can cook our food in chemically processed seed oils and continue to have good health. Only now are we starting to understand that our health has suffered from this deception, whether the deception was intentional or not.

The cell-membrane of every single cell in your body is made of fat/cholesterol, so obviously you want to be putting the best fat possible into your body. Putting an easily oxidized, inferior oil in your body leads directly to cell membranes that are much more susceptible to oxidative damage.

In this video I tell you the very worst and the very best cooking oils, so you can build your cell membranes of the best fat possible. It is vital to your good health and longevity...

syed putra

Chinese eat lots of lard and its healthy but still short lifespan as chairman mao killed them instead.