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The mortality rate is up 17% across the vaccinated world



Last week, I recommended that my followers pay attention to the Twitter account of Dr. Andrew Huff — because he’s the most important whistleblower in America right now.

(Article by Emerald Robinson republished from EmeraldDB3.Substack.com)

This week, I recommend that you follow the Twitter account of the Ethical Skeptic — who might be the most important COVID data analyst right now.


The Black Ops/SCI Top Secret US Naval intelligence officer and data expert known as the “Ethical Skeptic” on Twitter has been keeping tabs on the CDC’s database releases, and he’s got some very bad news: the mortality rate across the vaccinated world is up 17% and cancer is “at a 9-sigma rise.”


The extraordinary increase in cancer cases seems to be confirmed by various doctors who can speak honestly on social media because they are speaking anonymously.


Here is lag-adjusted non-COVID mortality on a chart.


This is happening around the world right now. Here’s Dr. John Campbell explaining that 17% more people died in Australia in the first half of 2022 than expected.

Excess mortality rates are being noticed by insurance industry experts as well — particularly in working age people between the ages of 18 and 64.
