Be part of the movement that will capture the very first GRC. Be ready, be prepared. Spread the word, use the internet, get on every forum, blog, website when the time comes.
Its time to tell the PAP that after 50 years that it time for plural politics and forsaking politics for the elite. Tell the PAP that Singaporeans comes first. That we are not gullible, ignorant, malleable or mindlessly compliant.
To the Singaporean Chinese, Malays, Indians, Eurasian and chapchengs of Tampines, the time has come. Take the cudgels as the Singaporeans of Potong Pasir did 26 years ago and have resolutely kept the faith on behalf of Singapore, the country and the people and not a company run by the PAP.
Do what the Singaporeans of Hougang did in 1991 and for 19 years.
Be ready when the GE is announced. Be ready!
Its time to tell the PAP that after 50 years that it time for plural politics and forsaking politics for the elite. Tell the PAP that Singaporeans comes first. That we are not gullible, ignorant, malleable or mindlessly compliant.
To the Singaporean Chinese, Malays, Indians, Eurasian and chapchengs of Tampines, the time has come. Take the cudgels as the Singaporeans of Potong Pasir did 26 years ago and have resolutely kept the faith on behalf of Singapore, the country and the people and not a company run by the PAP.
Do what the Singaporeans of Hougang did in 1991 and for 19 years.
Be ready when the GE is announced. Be ready!