Channeling of An Agarthan from Hollow Earth:
February 9, 2022
Tim in Agartha
Loved sister on the surface. Tim here, then Timothy Brooke in Agartha. It's been a while since we last communicated.
You have all since done a great job within yourself, remembering more and more who you are. Remember your greatness and regain your strength.
Brothers and sisters that you recognize well having met them before. Even if you are not physically involved in this Inow, you have established a contact.
We all here in Agartha, we rejoice with you. I would think that we see more clearly than you do, what incredible results your work and your awareness has resulted in.
Slavery for you is over. Live in peace, live in joy Beloved! Enjoy the moment and in the Nordic countries the spring that is approaching.
You know, sister, you remember that whoever was born here in Agartha as your younger brother, you have met in many different incarnations. He has lived as your son, your enemy that you have killed, your older brother, your best crusader friend and even in many roles that you do not yet remember. But it is irrelevant because
what you have encountered is, as you know, an illusion.
You have died from your friends and enemies in so many incarnations. Death has meant "vacation" from the hard earthly lives, a time in the Light to "digest" your homework. Then you have chosen your new incarnations. Designed them together with your Friends. Many of you living today have consciously chosen the often horrible childhoods you have experienced to become the strongest of the strong" who dare to bring forth the Truth about the enslavement of Mankind.
As you all become more and more aware of, it is an illusion you live in, a "hard school of life" to gather experiences for God the Creator. You have lived in slavery for millennia. NOW it's time to shake off your negative memories and live in FREEDOM and JOY! Now it's time - now everything you've been waiting for happens.
The "slave-drivers", the power elite, the manipulative "deep state", the cabal will, however, "crawl in the net". Many are captured, clones are put in their place, underground bases are destroyed, sometimes unfortunately with floods as a result.
There are many puppets on earth, among your politicians, among others. Many of them are willing to turn to the Light because they are first lured, then threatened into this manipulative game. Remember Yeshua's words: "Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing".
The alien "worsts" who have caused you this and who belong to those who can not undergo an inner change - they will fight to the last drop of blood. They know that their time is over - it has been a long time since the Light won the power struggle. Nevertheless, some unrest of various kinds will arise.
Remember this, if you see people dying around you:
There is no death, there is only a transition to other dimensions. People die to be reborn later.
Our beloved Gaia returns to the Paradise time. Together we save her from the poisoning by the cabal. We save the
animals and nature. The oceans will be cleansed, everything will be restored to what it was meant to be and once was.
We here in Agartha will be reunited with you on the surface, just as you will be able to connect with friends in space. The protection against extraterrestrial attacks is total. Lots of friends including Jesus Sananda with his ship New Jerusalem are waiting for the last illusion of 3D to let go of you.
It's over now. Live in peace, live in love. Take care of each other. The Covid 19 experiment is also over. So stop being afraid of each other. Everything is one. Everything is love. Everything is Light. Feel the energies from us, all your friends who "stand behind the scenes" and send you love, love and again LOVE.
God the Creator is with you. The angels are with you. All Light in the Omniverse is with you in this phase that is now coming to an end for the new era.
See you soon dear. As you now know; we stand by your side at all times.
Your all's friend, Tim in Agartha
via Kjerstin Sisilla