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The greatest PM of Israel announces Sinwar is dead


My dear Sinkie Islamist apologists and libtards. Also Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan. Anything to say?

SG needs to quickly withdraw its statement that Israel “gone too far”.

All SAF servicemen should be proud of the achievements of our mentors IDF!


syed putra

It's all about economics.
US back IDF so they have lots of weapons they do not have to pay for.
Hamas have limited resources and is not even a country. They will rise up, if not under hamas, then under another name until justice is served.


I am not even going to accord calling a terrorist group by its formal name.

The terrorist leeders know fully well the strength of US and that Israel is a client who will fight fiercely, unlike Afghan gov and South Vietnam. They also fully aware their societies are blooming. And yet Oct 7. Now, nothing, just dust.



It's all about economics.
US back IDF so they have lots of weapons they do not have to pay for.
Hamas have limited resources and is not even a country. They will rise up, if not under hamas, then under another name until justice is served.

God knows how many weapons US has were innovated by Israel. Its just time for US to repay

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I am not even going to accord calling a terrorist group by its formal name.

The terrorist leeders know fully well the strength of US and that Israel is a client who will fight fiercely, unlike Afghan gov and South Vietnam. They also fully aware their societies are blooming. And yet Oct 7. Now, nothing, just dust.

Gaza is officially the world’s biggest carpark now.

syed putra

The greatest PM was Yitzhak Rabin. If his plan was carried forward, isarelis would be at peace in the micdle east and Palestinians would have a country of their own.
All those billions spent on weapons can be utilises for more development.


The leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah are all asking help from Israel so that they could see their 72 virgin earlier.


My dear Sinkie Islamist apologists and libtards. Also Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan. Anything to say?

SG needs to quickly withdraw its statement that Israel “gone too far”.

All SAF servicemen should be proud of the achievements of our mentors IDF!

BIBI can declare himself as Greatest Dua Kee Jewish Protector ever alive liao