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Serious The Genocide You Never Heard Of (Happening Now)

syed putra

Islam is not a religion.
The early arab monotheist called themselves believers and were not of any religion.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Islam is not a religion.
The early arab monotheist called themselves believers and were not of any religion.

Hardly monotheists... they were Arab pagans who plagiarized Judeo-Christian stuff. Then the warlord Mohammed used it as his ideology to rally troops. :cool:

He was more similar to Genghis Khan, refer to the infighting for succession after his death. :biggrin:


Islam is not a religion.
The early arab monotheist called themselves believers and were not of any religion.

of course not a religion.................it's a death cult.............based on rape and murder.............and farking kids and moms and daughters..............


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Let them slaughter each other. This sort of stuff has been happening since the dawn of mankind.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Some unknown clip from an unknown prick posted by a known moron… suddenly we have a genocide? Don’t kid me

As expected from a retard commiecunts like you. The case of genocide in Africa is not new. Muslims killing Christians, Christians fighting back, different ethnic killing each other. Only a retarded moron like you living in your bubble think everything revolts around you and you know everything that happens around the world.

Genocide in Africa | National Geographic​

Sudan's 22 Year War: The Longest Conflict In Africa (2004)​

Rwanda Genocide - When Hutus killed 1 Million Tutsis in Rwanda - Darkest chapter in African history​



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
As expected from a retard commiecunts like you. The case of genocide in Africa is not new. Muslims killing Christians, Christians fighting back, different ethnic killing each other. Only a retarded moron like you living in your bubble think everything revolts around you and you know everything that happens around the world.

Genocide in Africa | National Geographic​

Sudan's 22 Year War: The Longest Conflict In Africa (2004)​

Rwanda Genocide - When Hutus killed 1 Million Tutsis in Rwanda - Darkest chapter in African history​

You’re lucky then. If there’s a genocide on morons you’ll be the first to go.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
You’re lucky then. If there’s a genocide on morons you’ll be the first to go.

LOL!... As expected from commiecunts like you who are so stupid to realise your stupidity.

Genocide is committed by commiecunt idiots like you. I am lucky because I know commiecunts like you are not to be trusted and will expose your lies and stupidity for the world to see.