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The Future Is Now


Humans will be free from work and starve....the ideal system is robots work and generate profits which in turn the profits are given to the humans so self actualise can be achieved...but as usual...things will just get worst for the working class

syed putra

Humans will be free from work and starve....the ideal system is robots work and generate profits which in turn the profits are given to the humans so self actualise can be achieved...but as usual...things will just get worst for the working class
We get higher pay repairing snd servicing robots.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Godless technocrats and transhumanists. :rolleyes:

This will be the Tower of Babel 2.0. And its destruction will be glorious. And you will learn to cast aside your human hubris and fear God. :cool:



New Member
The future is now, and it's a robotic one! Singapore has been integrating Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies into its industries for quite some time. One such example would be cobots - robots that function alongside humans in collaborative environments to perform tasks traditionally handled only by people. Freeing up workers from having too much responsibility on their plates at once (and thus giving them more chances to do other things), not only benefits employers who can be allocated better use of personnel resources but also presents exciting opportunities like exploring new careers or gaining more profound understanding about what makes businesses tick.
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