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The fucked-up state of EVs in Tiong-Cock.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This EV crap is largely a scam. Not entirely, but largely. Some more Warren Buffett bought BYD stock and it's going up.... :thumbsdown::confused:
We gotta ask ourselves: why aren't there airplanes running purely on battery-power ?

The agenda of EV is simple: it's about controlling the people. If I don't like you, I can simply disable your brakes remotely and kill you, making it look like an accident. You simply can't do that with a purely gasoline car.


We gotta ask ourselves: why aren't there airplanes running purely on battery-power ?
too easy to answer. no energy density. fucktard EVists.

But in all honesty, short haul flights are being replaced with battery power. Not sure the exact specs, but under 45 min flights on small planes.