ok, here are some short term and long term senarios :
1stly, the stock market plunges - massively on monday morning. Your shares lose its value. Your company is now worth much less - and ready to be taken over by foreign raiders.
(stocks market not plunges because pap will still hold > 50% of the seats. This still put the pm on his seats with some minor changes in his cabinet)
just that now oppositions will have more power to voice for the people.
2ndly, the sin dollar devalues sharply - the dollar even goes on par with the m'sian ringgit at one stage. Oil and gas rich brunei decides to de-couple the bruneian dollars with sin dollars. Food prices rocket as imports become costly - even imported vegetables from malaysia and indonesia! Singaporeans no longer find it cheap to eat and shop in johor. Singaporeans no longer can afford to travel every holiday in this region or the world.
sing dollars will not devalue and will be more vale as more investments from the government will be more transparent and questioned. ( no over-budget and major losses) more money can be placed to good usage and boost th economy.
3rdly, multi-billion investors avoid singapore - if singaporeans themselves do not support their leaders, don't expect foreign investors to have confidence in them. You think billionaire investors like mbs, rws and imflash love the people of singapore so much as to invest billions of dollars and to create 35,000 jobs for you without a stable government to create an environment for them to make profit ?
businessmen are not insane. So do opposition!! We will still welcome investor to singapore. In fact, fresh and more ideas from each good opoosition parties will added values to the progress of singapore.. Investors will not have any fear as there is not volient and might be more happier as (no such mas selamat issue should happened again... Opposition parties do take security of singapore more seriously!!
4thly, opposition leaders discriminate fts and prs - job for job no foreigner will earn more than a singaporean. Fts and expariates flee in droves, leaving the condos and hdb flats empty. Mncs uproot and shift their companies to other countries. Massive unemployment. Property assets fall - hdb flats become no longer become "affordable" but cheap. Singaporeans like to chirp "cheap! Cheap! Cheap! When overseas because of the strong sin dollars - now the word takes on a different meaning.
i dun think we will throw out the ft. The meaning is twisted here!!
As the population increases tremendously since the last few years, government should take care for their own people in getting into the housing needs, education needs, transportation needs first)
oppostion just wanted more good measure to be in placed so the the singaporean will not lose out in all aspects compare to incoming ft.
( is not barred ft............. Just slowing down the pace)
5thly, singapore sells off its costly to maintain f15sg, its submarines and tanks. Defence spending reduces to support free hdb flats, free medical services, free school fees, cheap petrol, free utility and conservancy services.
(cutting down expenses like reducing some of the over-populated ns-man cycles, looking for second sources resources to maintain the f15ssg and other military weapon systems. This will not only save a lots in the expenses and also have alternatives resources.
6thly, malaysian and indonesian leaders start their monkey business - their leaders comment that the little red dot needs to be more humble. Indonesian leaders say one-quater of singapore belongs to them because the soil used for reclamation is smuggled from indonesia, or obtained by dubious contracts. Malaysia demands an immediate increase in price of their water to singapore.
malaysia and indonesia will not start whatever monkey bussiness. In fact , they will see the parliament now fully backed by the singaporeans!!! This is the unity singaporeans can see in this 2011 ge...
We are all united!!!!!
ok, some of you are still not frighten by the scenario. Vote for your future, and your family's future!