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The Desmond Tan (PAP candidate) story back in 1 SIR (Army)


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

He was my CO back in 1 SIR. He is a really good man. I will never forget what he did for me.
There was once, I broke an equipment during guard duty. The guardhouse ordered me to pay $200 for the equipment to spare being charged by the guardhouse. However I was a NSF and didn’t had the money.
I spoke to my PC, CSM and OC for help, but all viciously rejected me. I had no choice but to skip the chain of command and went to the CO’s (Desmond Tan) office.
RSM was in the office with the CO when I entered. RSM was angry at me for skipping the chain of command and refused to let me speak to the CO, but the CO said it’s fine.
Shortly after I started explaining, the other officers from my company arrived with furious looks on their faces. They must have heard the news that I directly went to see the CO.
Finally after telling the CO about my situation. In front of the RSM and the all the other junior officers, he firmly said he can’t help me; I broke the equipment and I should be responsible for it. Pay $200 for it, otherwise let the guardhouse charge me.
I felt disappointed and I left shortly. But What happened later really touched me...
Alone, I was walking back to the guardhouse. It was a good 15mins walking distance from the HQ building to the guardhouse
Just when I was about to reach the guardhouse, I heard someone repeatedly calling out my name, I turned around and saw a car driving towards me. It was my CO!
With the windows winded down, the car stopped beside me. He shoved something to my chest and I took it. Then he drove off immediately.
Puzzled, I looked closely at what he gave me.... $150 cash! I was so moved that I was in tears.
What I’m saying is totally true. With this incident in mind, I know that he is a very kind hearted man. I never had the chance to thank him. So Thank You Sir! I wish you all the best in the elections.

Omnia1 commented :

Assuming the story is accurate, what Desmond Tan did was first class. As the CO, he needs to uphold the rules and not undermine his commanders in front of them. However, that does not mean he cannot help his men on a personal basis and show compassion. Kudos to Desmond!



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

PAP candidate Desmond Tan receives organic positive praise about his time in SAF
Those who have worked with Tan in the past described him as humble and empathetic.

Andrew Koay|
June 28, 2020, 01:28 PM



A new People's Action Party candidate Desmond Tan has been getting unsolicited, organic rave reviews on social media.

Tan, 50, had served as a brigadier-general with the Singapore Armed Forces before working as the chief executive of the People's Association.
And since his unveiling, accounts from Tan's 28-year career with the military have surfaced, painting a picture of a man who cared for his soldiers.
Here are some of them:

Humble, friendly, empathetic

Calling Tan — among other things — "humble" and "friendly" to everyone, Facebook user Alvin Chua shared a video of Tan introducing himself along with an anecdote from when Chua was just a "two-month-old recruit".

Tan had seen Chua walking out of camp and offered to give him a lift to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
Marcus Ng wrote about how Tan was widely acclaimed to be "kind and great", and "a very hands-on and empathetic leader".

Another who had been under Tan's purview also waxed lyrical about the candidate's empathy and willingness to engage with subordinates.

Helped NSF pay for a S$200 fine

One lengthy comment saw a user named Kim Jun Hong describe how Tan had helped to pay for a S$200 fine that Kim had incurred while fulfilling his national service.



Kim said that he had damaged some equipment that required him to pay S$200 or risk getting in deeper trouble.
After pleading to no avail with his commanders, Kim apparently skipped the chain of command and asked Tan for help.
According to Kim, Tan gave Kim S$150 to foot the bill for the damage.

Working late, starting early

Having served as Tan's deputy in 1997, Felix Choo said that he often saw Tan working late into the night, and starting early the next day.

"I've always known him to be a dedicated leader who cares for his men, driven and never waiver (sic) from his values," wrote Choo.

"I only have good words for him."


Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Super nice guy he might be, but the key question has to be this - does he have the balls to enter a robust debate with Pinky if he thinks he’s right and Faggot’s wrong? Also, any balls to ask what HC is getting from TH?
Yes Lily Neo also good person but how much can she do? Likewise TCB who was immensely popular.....he still holds the highest vote % record.


Super nice guy he might be, but the key question has to be this - does he have the balls to enter a robust debate with Pinky if he thinks he’s right and Faggot’s wrong? Also, any balls to ask what HC is getting from TH?
Yes Lily Neo also good person but how much can she do? Likewise TCB who was immensely popular.....he still holds the highest vote % record.
KNN the answer to this is depend on how good the person is morally KNN in the beginning they surely cannot debate and beat pinky to a puppy and has his head chopped KNN eg my uncle endured through his years as a puppy until when his nest egg has built up he proceeded to beat ceo from 1 company to another without any fear KNN


I was also a good sergeant. Polish my own boots and wash and iron my uniforms.

Go Gelang chiong kuay and back before 2359.

I hv 1 company under me and show them how to be a keng king.

I bring stripe tease to the bunk an hv party with my corporals.

I was ask to join PA and hv a good time eating fresh mangoes...

What else.... Umhhh


Old Fart
KNN the answer to this is depend on how good the person is morally KNN in the beginning they surely cannot debate and beat pinky to a puppy and has his head chopped KNN eg my uncle endured through his years as a puppy until when his nest egg has built up he proceeded to beat ceo from 1 company to another without any fear KNN
Your uncle is my hero! :thumbsup:


Your uncle is my hero! :thumbsup:
KNN thanks !! KNN what my uncle discovered during these years of beating is that the more you worried you will be terminated the more it will happen KNN having said that of course have to beat it with logic in such a way that they cannot fire you but only can condemn you KNN despite doing this my uncle has never been fired before but he chose to move on and on after been condemned KNN nevermind at all his journey will be ending soon KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
No use telling us how nice he is. At the end of the day, .he still goin to be part of the Pappy Leegime that will screw Sinkies more kao kao after the GE...


Old Fart
KNN thanks !! KNN what my uncle discovered during these years of beating is that the more you worried you will be terminated the more it will happen KNN having said that of course have to beat it with logic in such a way that they cannot fire you but only can condemn you KNN despite doing this my uncle has never been fired before but he chose to move on and on after been condemned KNN nevermind at all his journey will be ending soon KNN
Your uncle is wise, as I've always said. Life and work is all about survival, to fight the good fight, to keep standing upright. Then when it is all said, done and over with, there will be no regrets.:thumbsup: Long life your uncle!:thumbsup::thumbsup::biggrin:


It's a plus point but you have to ask whether he has what it takes to challenge the status quo if need be. That's the acid test. If yes coupled with his down to earth then he will do well in Singaporeans eyes


Alfrescian (Inf)
His potential can only be maximised by joining opposition camp. Once he joined PAP, he will become part of team zombies. Don't let his go to waste in PAP laboratory.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Give $150 then become hero? If he really good, then let the pengkia write statements, either form 1222 or 1228 then signed approval on the statement. Simi lanjeow so expensive, 1206 cost $200?
I as a reservist also give car rides to fellow camp mates nsf from Gedong to mrt station or on the way send all the way home. That the minimum one can help a fellow camp mates.
Unless he dare to vote on his conscious instead of follow the whip, he just a yes man. Order him jump and he will ask how high.


It's a plus point but you have to ask whether he has what it takes to challenge the status quo if need be. That's the acid test. If yes coupled with his down to earth then he will do well in Singaporeans eyes
So called good pappie politicians will not survive long in the pap vipers nest of today. Remember the super 7 ministers..one of them was david lim n he actually wack pap on the inside till pinky wanted to sack him. He stood up for the ppl. Humble etc . N wooden intervene n gave him a graceful exit. No he no sight no sound. Only the plps n willing to tow the line will survive in pap land


Wait till u hear my story.... will make u happy. Here it goes.

I did well in Primary 1 my father give me a boy bicycle. Nobody stop me or want to steal from me.

My ahneh neighour boy want to learn to ride. And I teach him to ride. His brother was watching us. And for few days I reached him and lend it to him for a week. That's it.

Then enter SBMT NSF. 1st day line up in platoon and His brother saw me...

He called my name and was so delighted to see me. He called me out and get the sergants and corporals to him. He told them the story and wanted them to take care of me, no bully if I complain to him they are in trouble. He was the platoon commander of Alpha coy, me is Bravo coy. No different...

From that time onwards I am safe and no one dares to touch or bully me. Just follow training.

Then he brings cookhouse chicken wings to me to eat. Teach me a lot of army things, bring his younger brother to camp to see me....

Wonderful ahh.... be nice to people and u never know they will repay you more...

Next also similar case when I was in 1SIB ..... also protected by my coy CSM becos I know his elder brother who was my maths tuition teacher... hahaha... again no other sergants and corporal dare to bully me.... I am the anointed One.... hehehe

Coincidence?.... sibei lucky Leh..

Also get attached out to play games and out of camp for 1 full year..... fantastic army life... And that was also the officer is my neighour brother too. We played soccer together .... he brought me out to play rugby even though I dont know the game. Next swimming, life guard course, water polo, tennis, table tennis....

And also.... vocation training can repeat twice. 3 months classroom lessons all day morse codes and radio sets at Signal camp... can fail morse codes lesson and repeat the training again for next 3 months..... like that also can lehh... 6 months switch off...

sebei switch off all day class lessons... hehehe... that was also my school teacher brother was the class lesson instructor. School teacher teach English tuition go to her house and brother knows me. She touches me and show how to screw her.... hehehe...


He was my CO back in 1 SIR. He is a really good man. I will never forget what he did for me.
There was once, I broke an equipment during guard duty. The guardhouse ordered me to pay $200 for the equipment to spare being charged by the guardhouse. However I was a NSF and didn’t had the money.
I spoke to my PC, CSM and OC for help, but all viciously rejected me. I had no choice but to skip the chain of command and went to the CO’s (Desmond Tan) office.
RSM was in the office with the CO when I entered. RSM was angry at me for skipping the chain of command and refused to let me speak to the CO, but the CO said it’s fine.
Shortly after I started explaining, the other officers from my company arrived with furious looks on their faces. They must have heard the news that I directly went to see the CO.
Finally after telling the CO about my situation. In front of the RSM and the all the other junior officers, he firmly said he can’t help me; I broke the equipment and I should be responsible for it. Pay $200 for it, otherwise let the guardhouse charge me.
I felt disappointed and I left shortly. But What happened later really touched me...
Alone, I was walking back to the guardhouse. It was a good 15mins walking distance from the HQ building to the guardhouse
Just when I was about to reach the guardhouse, I heard someone repeatedly calling out my name, I turned around and saw a car driving towards me. It was my CO!
With the windows winded down, the car stopped beside me. He shoved something to my chest and I took it. Then he drove off immediately.
Puzzled, I looked closely at what he gave me.... $150 cash! I was so moved that I was in tears.
What I’m saying is totally true. With this incident in mind, I know that he is a very kind hearted man. I never had the chance to thank him. So Thank You Sir! I wish you all the best in the elections.

Omnia1 commented :

Assuming the story is accurate, what Desmond Tan did was first class. As the CO, he needs to uphold the rules and not undermine his commanders in front of them. However, that does not mean he cannot help his men on a personal basis and show compassion. Kudos to Desmond!

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Super Moderator
Staff member
So called good pappie politicians will not survive long in the pap vipers nest of today. Remember the super 7 ministers..one of them was david lim n he actually wack pap on the inside till pinky wanted to sack him. He stood up for the ppl. Humble etc . N wooden intervene n gave him a graceful exit. No he no sight no sound. Only the plps n willing to tow the line will survive in pap land
Haha David Lim.

He is the guy who on TV said you pay peanuts you hey monkeys.

I also know someone close to grassroots who said that David Lim would call all the grassroots engagements he had to do as "nonsense".

David Lim is not cut out for politics. He is a CEO.

After politics he went to NOL. Guess it wasnt good cos NOL was sold eventually