There are many considerations in raising pay. If too high, investors will flee & Singaporean supply chains SME will face issues. If nothing is done & hardworking workers see SME & MNC bosses indulging in excesses - gold chains, AP watches, new cars, landed properties, etc.. while claiming excuses...then they & there will be problems.
Money needs to be CIRCULATED, proven since the 1920s in great depression USA, in order that for more money to come, to the boss, workers & critically the national economy for social expenditures to uplift fellow citizens lives.
Ultimately, it is about balances, & thankfully Singapore is a Rule of Law Nation, with even tripartite agency to look into such factors, & even MPs to share experiences with... It's about BALANCE.
Some SME or even MNCs may be in deep financial trouble, often due to either mismanagement or poor decisions made, but many others whom have honest biz acumen & saw their companies survived, may they know that it is THRU COLLECTIVE SUPPORTIVE effort by all, including govt efforts & not just a single decision by a mere mortal made, to circulate money & REDISTRIBUTION of wealth to earn even more & prosperity to all...