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The biggest scam in life

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Everything in sinkieland is a scam but sinkies accept it as part of life. Apparently if everybody gets scammed equally, then it's no longer a scam.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Buddhism already has it covered, the government (king) is like a thief, not unlike a fire or a flood. :cool:

A small, limited government is your only guarantee of prosperity, liberty and security. And the PAP regime is anything but a small, limited government. Get it? :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not only PAP, but all governments in the world. If you think government is there to help you, think again. They are there to power over you and make themselves stay rich and powerful.
You can't blame PAPPY when those low SES mentality wanted to continue keeping this garment in power.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
I am under the tax bracket.
You still pay GST for the goods you buy. If you ride a motorbike, you pay road tax, COE, and ERP. Then you have property tax which you don't own fully if you stay in HDB. There are more hidden taxes than you realise.

syed putra

You still pay GST for the goods you buy. If you ride a motorbike, you pay road tax, COE, and ERP. Then you have property tax which you don't own fully if you stay in HDB. There are more hidden taxes than you realise.
Those are for the infrastructure already built. If I live in a yacht I get to live almost tax free.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Those are for the infrastructure already built. If I live in a yacht I get to live almost tax free.
Nope. GST is to help the poor as PAP said it. Infrastructure and all that is supposed to be covered already by our income tax. If they are going to have GST, they should end the income tax. They taxed your income and then GST. That is a double tax.


Alfrescian (Inf)
that’s more like californicate. not only federal incum tax you also pay state incum tax, federal capital gains tax, state capital gains tax, fica tax, social security (set aside), hospital insurance tax (medicare), inheritance tax, estate tax, gift tax (last 3 are called death taxes - yes, your beneficiaries get taxed when you die), sales tax, property tax, parcel tax (part of property tax if you own land), vehicle registration (state tax), additional gas tax on top of sales tax if you pump gasoline in your vehicle, recycling tax for cans and bottles (redeemable if you bring them into a store or recycling center), and more to cum, etc.

sg is a tax paradise if compared to californicate.

syed putra

that’s more like californicate. not only federal incum tax you also pay state incum tax, federal capital gains tax, state capital gains tax, fica tax, social security (set aside), hospital insurance tax (medicare), inheritance tax, estate tax, gift tax (last 3 are called death taxes - yes, your beneficiaries get taxed when you die), sales tax, property tax, parcel tax (part of property tax if you own land), vehicle registration (state tax), additional gas tax on top of sales tax if you pump gasoline in your vehicle, recycling tax for cans and bottles (redeemable if you bring them into a store or recycling center), and more to cum, etc.

sg is a tax paradise if compared to californicate.
But its the heart of tech US. Planes used to be built there under McDonnell Douglas. Now they build rockets and teslas.silicon chips and movies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
But its the heart of tech US. Planes used to be built there under McDonnell Douglas. Now they build rockets and teslas.silicon chips and movies.
without stupid liberal politicians and sextra taxes to give free money and welfare to illegal immigrants, the poor, drug addicts, criminals, and homeless, the resourceful 6.9% in californicate will accomplish much more that are more ground breaking and earth shattering (no pun intended) - in fact, oppenheimer’s team of atomic and nuclear scientists were huddled around the lab in berkeley in the development of the 1st atomic bomb - lab is now known as the lawrence livermore lab.

syed putra

without stupid liberal politicians and sextra taxes to give free money and welfare to illegal immigrants, the poor, drug addicts, criminals, and homeless, the resourceful 6.9% in californicate will accomplish much more that are more ground breaking and earth shattering (no pun intended) - in fact, oppenheimer’s team of atomic and nuclear scientists were huddled around the lab in berkeley in the development of the 1st atomic bomb - lab is now known as the lawrence livermore lab.
Cslifirnians had ronald reagan and schwatzernegger. It was not always under democrats.